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The next day, the two met outside the entrance of the school, like they did a previous time. After meeting up, they went to Connor's truck and drove to the orchard.

Connor was determined to strike up a conversation, "So Ev, is there any particular part of nature you like?"

Evan lit up a bit, answering, "Trees! They're my favorite!"

Connor chuckled, "Trees? Why trees?"

"Well, for starters they take in CO2 and then release O2, or well, Oxygen! We praticlly owe our lives to trees! Plus there's so many different types too! Did you know pine cones have different genders? Male and female pine cones!" Evan went on with a smile.

Connor smiled at him, "So how do you tell the difference between a male and female?"

"Males are big and spiky, plus they produce pollen! Females are skinny and much thinner then the males!" Evan explained.

Connor nodded to him, listening as Evan talked about nature. The awkward tension was gone, which relieved both of the two.

Soon enough, Connor stopped at the orchard, climbing out of the car as Evan followed him in pursuit.

The second they left the car, Evan lit up with even more joy then before. He gazed at the orchard, taking in the overal structure of the place.

A black gate was at the front, followed by a fence that curled around the square orchard. There was a red brick path for visitors to follow, as a few plants grew in between the cracks. Plants grew along side the path, such as small trees, flowers, bushes and among other things.

"Connor... This is.. It's, amazing!" Evan smiled wide, taking a few steps into the old Orchard. Birds sang their songs as squirrels climbed on top of tree branches.

"Look! A Red Maple tree! I didn't think they grew here! And a Pine Tree! One of the most commons trees in the U.S! And-" Evan was stopped by a hand placed on his shoulder; Connor's hand.

"Let's take a look around," Connor offered with a smile, followed by a nod from Evan.

The two started to walk together, taking in their surroundings; it was a cool, breezy day, with the sun shining bright above them. Many wild animals such as ants, butterflies, caterpillars, and other small animals.

"Have you ever caught a caterpillar before?" Connor asked, breaking the silence.

Evan looked up at Connor, surprised that the previous silence was now being filled. "Oh uh, no... Why do you ask?"

Connor shrugged, and put his hands in his pockets. "I'm just thinking about when I was six, catching the little guys, putting them in a shoebox I poked some holes into, and watching it grow into a butterfly."

Evan laughed a little, "Why'd you do that?"

Connor laughed as well, looking down at Evan, "I dunno, honestly. I just really liked caterpillars back then.."

Evan nodded, agreeing with the taller male. "I can see why. They're pretty cool."

"So what are you gonna do after school? Like, majoring wise?" Connor asked him.

"I'll probably be a Biology teacher. You know, teach about nature and all that stuff? What about you?" Evan answered.

"I'm going into the medical field, become a nurse," Connor said.

"Why not a doctor?" Evan asked.

Connor looked up at the sky, "Doctors have a lot more responsibility then nurses do. If a patient dies, it's the doctor's fault. As for a nurse, they just do what the doctor says to."

Evan nodded once again, "But aside from college, anything in the summer?"

"I dunno, Ev.. There's graduation, submitting applications for college, my summer is gonna be busy," Connor stated.

"Oh, well we can still do some fun stuff, right? Like, bike the Appalachian Trail, or, write a book! Maybe even learn to sail! Wouldn't that be cool?" Evan listed a few options.

Connor chuckled a bit, "Some of that stuff seems a bit unrealistic, Ev."

"Better than doing nothing all summer," Evan shrugged.

"Hey, how about we lay down for a bit? My legs are killing me," Connor said with a small grunt at the end.

"Yeah, s-sure!" Evan nodded, and they walked off the trail and into an area filled with trees to cover them in shade as they slowly laid down.

Then there was silence for a small while, but it wasn't tenseful. It was peaceful and nice, a good relief for the both of them.

Soon, Connor sat up, seeing a large tree a ways in front of them. Connor grinned, taking a stand, and started to run to it.

Evan sat up, hearing his friend run somewhere. He heard Connor not a moment later.

"Hey Ev! Follow me!"

Evan quickly stood and ran after him, curious to see where he was going. The simi tall grass ran across his legs as he ran, the breeze giving him a boast as a tall Oak Tree came into view.

Evan stopped himself, panting as he gazed at the tree. Connor was beside him, looking up. 

"We should climb it," he said. "Image how the world would look from up so high!"

Evan grinned and nodded, as Connor started to climb he followed behind him in persuit.

One foot after the other. One branch, then two other. 

They climbed higher and higher. They climbed until the entire sun, shined on their faces.

"Look at it! Ha, we can almost see the whole orchard from here!" Evan smiled wide, desperate to take it all in. 

"Yeah, worth the climb, right?" Connor chuckled. He was a few branches above Evan.

Evan nodded quickly, and kept looking, until something grabbed his attention. 

The branch snapped.

Evan grabbed onto now a stump that previously held a branch. He shut his eyes tight, holding on with all his might.

"Evan!!! Hold on! I'm coming! Don't let go!!!" Connor started to make his way down slowly, being careful not to fall. 

Evan squinted, he was scared out of his mind. Connor was calling for him but he couldn't hear him. The voices in his head kept telling him to just let go.

"Let go," they said. "He wouldn't miss you anyways."

"Why would he?"

"You're just a burden! A mistake! Your mother would have it easier, your "friend" Jared wouldn't have to put up with you, and Connor would just be happier!" 

Without realizing it, he was crying. He just wanted it to stop. He didn't want to think this way.

He just wanted to be happy. 

"Evan!!! Take my hand!" Connor was above him, holding out his hand to the dangling boy.

But he didn't take it.

He let go.

One Thousand Emails (Treebros) {#Wattys2018}Where stories live. Discover now