| she |

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She is standing up like
a wildfire in a dark forest
for she has stood still
silent, without words,
numb and naked
for a very long time.


She is rising like a 
confident tide
from the heart of a
ruthless sea
with her choice of clothes
with her choice of profession
with her choice of words
because she has been
suffocated enough
under the water
for a very long time.


She is running wild
amidst the crowd of 
lecherous men,
she is making a seat
for herself
in the middle of the smokey room
she is working late
in her cubicle
because she has remained
in chains,
got treated like an animal
for a very long time.


She is smiling and laughing
as loud as she can
because for a very long time
she has been told to put silence
on her lips
to tie ropes
on her hands
to cover her head
with a veil
She has been told,
and has been treated
like a flower vase in the backyard
like a rugged carpet on the floor 


But now she is free
she is breaking the walls
she is cutting the chains
she is burning the ropes
she is feeling the rains
she is walking amidst the crowd
with her head held high
with her skin shining bright
with her hands holding
the chariot of her freedom,
with her lips singing
songs of her choice

She is finally rising.
She is finally rising.
She is finally rising.  

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