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It had now been a month in Dauntless. Everyone was only getting stronger. Except for Tris. I was having the nicest dream when I suddenly woke up, hearing rustling from across the room. I sat up and saw Tris sneaking out of the room. I put my shoes on and ran out after her.

I turned the corner and saw her a little ways in front of me. I yelled as quietly as I could, "Tris!"

She whipped around, startled. "Lex? What are you doing?"

I caught up to her and laughed. "I could ask the same thing, you know?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm going to train. I need more practice."

I shook my head, "No, what you need- is technique. You flail your arms about and kick randomly and hope you hit a soft spot. I've watched you. You need to focus on a method rather than dumb luck."

She rolled her eyes and started walking away from me. "I don't need your help. I'm fine."

I ran up to her again, and grabbed her by the elbow. I huffed, "Look- Peter is out for the weak ones right now. That's you. Practice as much as you want, but without a clear direction- he'll take you out. I'm also working my way through the competition. I don't want to hurt you Tris. So, you need to know how to fight back- properly... Let me help you."

She stared at me for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Let's go."

We walked to the training room and Tris pointed out how I didn't really have proper workout gear on. I laughed. "Yeah, well, I ran after you- so I'm gonna have to work with a crop top and booty shorts- as flattering as that sounds."

We laughed and began training.


Four had walked in and started setting up for the day. Tris turned and looked at me, "Have you noticed how much you look like Four?" 

I furrowed my brows, "No, but I find that insulting." 

She chuckled, "I mean like, your face shape, your hair, and your eyes- you guys could be twins... except that you're a girl and he's a boy." 

I paused, "Tris, you do realize that being twins has nothing to do with you gender right?" 

Her face paled and we looked at each other for a moment before laughing and getting back to work.


It was about five in the morning now, and I was sparring with Tris. I was practically screaming at this point. "Come on! I'm a big girl! I can take a hit! You have to go harder Tris!"

We were both sweating profusely. Tris came at me with a war cry. She took a swing with her right arm. I grabbed her hand and spun her so that her back was facing me. I kicked the back of her knee and she fell to the ground. I pulled her up by her hair and made formation to punch her face. I stopped before swinging however, and dropped her to the ground.

I held out a hand to her. She grabbed it and we both stood there for a moment, panting. "Not bad. For just two hours of training- you've already improved. We'll try you out on Christina today- for a fair fight. Good work."

I held my hand out for a fist bump and she looked at me strange. I tilted my head, before realizing- "Oh right! Abnegation. Ok, well, it's a fist bump."

I grabbed her wrist and her hand formed into a fist. I smacked them together. "Boom. Fist bump. Quite literal."

We shared a laugh. We were about to go grab some water, when I heard his voice from across the room. "Initiates. What do you think you're doing here? Training doesn't start until six. Get back to your beds."

I turned to see Eric. His arms were crossed over his chest and he seemed angry. Not at Tris, but at me. I threw a towel to Tris. "I'll be there in a second. Just need to grab my shoes."

She nodded and left the room. I went and sat down on a bench, and began tying my laces together. As I slipped my left shoe on, I saw big black boots stop in front of me. I looked up to see an angry Eric looking down at me. I looked back down and tied my left shoe. I stood to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder and shoved me back onto the bench.

I growled slightly, "Sir, I'm sorry that we were out of our beds- Really. I was just helping Tris train a little before the fights today."

Eric scoffed from above me, and I shot my head up to look at him. "Why would you be helping someone who is under the line? That's good for you, right? Just let her fail."

I stood up, chest to chest with him. Well, as chest to chest you can be with a 6'1 man, at my 5'4 height. "Competition or not- she's a friend. I was just trying to help. You can disagree with me if you want sir, but quite frankly- I don't give a shit."

I walked a little away from him, and he let me go. I had only walked a few steps away from him when he called out to me. "Eric."

I turned back around, "What?"

He turned away from me, "When we're alone- call me Eric."

He walked away briskly, leaving me with slightly red cheeks. I whispered to myself, smiling. "Eric? Ok then."

I walked back to the dorm, trying to shoo the butterflies out of my stomach.

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