I woke up to an alarm. I looked down, only to see that I was completely bare, and a muscular arm was wrapped around me. It soon lifted from my waist, and reached over to turn the alarm off. I turned around, placing my hands on Eric's chest. He poked an eye open, and smiled at me.
"Good Morning, Alexa." He smirked.
I laughed, "Good morning, sir."
He frowned and I chuckled, "Sorry. Good morning, Eric."
He wrapped his arms around me, "That's better."
I nuzzled into his chest before realizing what was going to happen once we left this room. I sat up, with the sheet covering my chest. I sighed and grabbed Eric's big black shirt and threw it over my head. Then I gathered my clothes and tried to head toward the bathroom.
Before I could, Eric reached over and grabbed my arm, making me drop my clothes. He pulled me back onto the bed and hovered over me. "What are you doing?"
I rolled my eyes and tried to get up again, but he held me down. I sighed, "I know what will happen once we get up and leave this room- don't worry, I got it."
He let go of me and opted for sitting next to me. He sighed, "Yeah? And what is exactly is going to happen?"
I turned away from him slightly. "You got what you wanted last night. So, you won't have a reason to keep me around. Don't worry, I'm not going to get all messed up about it. I just don't want to delay the inevitable."
Eric straddled me once again, the sheet covering his crotch. "Who ever told you that?"
I rolled my eyes, "No one! I just get it, ok? I've seen girls spend two weeks crying over a fling you two had one night. I'm not gonna be one of those girls. I'm not stupid."
He brought his face close to mine, "You're right. You won't be one of those girls. Because you're different. I-"
He cut himself off, and took a deep breath. "I care about you, ok? I get pissed when Peter puts his grubby little hands on you. I get angry when you risk your ranking by helping weaker ones. I get angry when Four ignores your training and focuses so much on the Stiff. When he yelled at you that day I... I just... I care, ok?"
I stared at him, dumbfounded. It didn't last long as I smirked and brought his lips to mine. "I love you too."
We were nearly done with the physical aspect of training. Maybe another month. Just fighting more, and less training. I hadn't lost a fight. Though, Edward gave me a run for my money one fight.
Peter had been let off the hook for assaulting me, seeing as he was wasted at the time. He remembered it all though, and tried to apologize so many times. I ignored him and left the group. Tris, Christina, Al, and Will were once again my allies- as I had apologized for my behavior.
Eric and I had grown closer, and had quite a few more nights together. No one knew. It wasn't like they couldn't know. Everyone would just think I had an advantage. So, we kept it to ourselves. I had met with Max a few days ago, and we discussed the advancements of the plans. Nothing big.
I was snapped from my thoughts by Eric's voice travelling throughout the room. "First fight, Peter vs Tris!"
I immediately started hearing everyone around me whisper about how ridiculous it was. Christina came up to me, "It's Eric. He's just trying to get back at her!"
I shook my head. "Then she will have to throw it back in his face. She'll be fine. If she loses, she'll just come back stronger."
She didn't seem convinced but nodded anyways. We walked to the ring as Peter got in it. I frowned at the sight of him. I looked at Eric, but he wouldn't meet my gaze. I think he believes I'll be mad at him for throwing my friend against Peter. I'm not, not at all really. She needs this. Let's just hope Peter doesn't kill her.

Together (Eric x OC) Divergent
Fanfiction"We're both bad people, but together- we make something good."