Glasses (one shot)

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Jason was just a 16 year old boy that liked being outside, even when it's raining. Because of this his mom bought him a dirt bike, so he could have more things to do outside.

Jason rode his bike to the top of a big hill so he could see the panoramic view of the city. As he was there he saw a woman sitting on a bench.

She had black hair in a braid down her back, she whore a white silk dress that seemed way to formal to ware to the park, her eyes where a chocolate brown. She looked to be in her late 40's, but she also had an aura that seemed ageless.

The woman started to walk away when Jason saw glasses shimmering on the bench. "Ma'am, are these yours?" he asked the lady.

The woman turned to him. With a wink, she said, "A gift to you from a god above. From me to you, to show there love." Then she walked away.

Confused, Jason put on the glasses. At first nothing happened, then a girl about 18 walked by.

She had curly blond hair and gray eyes. Above her head floated the name 'Annabeth'. On top of her name, her thoughts wrote in a pretty cursive, 'I need streamers, batter, and balloons. Oh, I can't forget the blue food coloring.'

Jason thought it was pretty cool he could now read peoples thoughts. Then a boy Jason remembered from school walked by. The name 'Nico' floated on his head. 

He seemed like a pretty chill guy, but his thoughts where written in messy handwriting. He seemed to be struggling with his sexuality.

That made Jason frown. He hated it when people wouldn't accept who they are. "Hey!" He didn't know what he was gonna say, but he wanted to help Nico.

The boy turned to Jason, "Can I help you?" he asked.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to talk or something?"

That seemed to take Nico by surprise, "Oh... Um, sure."

They sat on the bench just talking. About an hour past, then Nicos phone buzzed. He checked it and sighed, "I gotta go."

Jason smiled as Nico, "That's okay. Just remember- if you stay true to yourself you'll be happier then ever."

"Um... Okay."

As Nico walked away Jason saw a blond boy walk up to him. They started to talk as they walked. 

The years went on and every day, after school, Jason went to the park and talked to people he thought needed a friend to help them.

He helped a guy named Leo, who always put on a fake smile, and helped him make it real, he helped a girl named Hazel, who struggled being bullied by someone named Octavian, he helped a girl, Piper, talk to her dad about wanting to spend more time together, she later became his wife, and countless others.

Now Jason's in his 50's, he has two beautiful children he has to take care of. He sits on the bench in the same hill he rode his bike on so many years ago. He sees a girl about 15 walking through the park and he knows what he must do.

He gently places the glasses on the bench and starts to walk away, only stopping when he hears a voice. "Excuse me,"

Jason turns to the girl, she has curly brown hair and dark skin, with coco colored eyes.

"My names Bianca Solace, are these your glasses?"

She holds the golden framed glasses with a confused spark in her eyes that Jason knew all to well.

With a wink, Jason says, "A gift to you, from a god above. From me to you to show there love."               

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