I got tagged!

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I got tagged! Well, okay, I didn't get tagged personally, but I was reading a tag book, and the author said "I tag all of you." Sooo...

1) First thing I've obsessed over: I think it was My Little Pony.

2) Current obsession: PJO / HOO / TOA / KC. (Basically the Riordanverse)

3) Favorite band: Panic! at the disco

4) Favorite singer: Faith Marie

5) Favorite youtuber: Dan and Phil, or Ordinary dreamer. I can't pick one.

6) First concert: I have yet to go to a concert, but FOB is coming to new Orleans and I'm hoping to go.

7) Favorite movie: Like, any Marvel movie.

8) Favorite actor/actress: Tom Holland.

9) First celebrity crush: I actually never got a crush on a celebrity before.

10) Ever got made fun of for what I like: Luckily no. Most of my friends are fangirls, as well.

11) Favorite book: The Titans Curse.

12) Favorite TV show: Voltron!

13)Favorite fictional character: Well, schist... I can't choose.. Umm, Nico, and Bianca, and Hazel, and Ciel. I CAN'T CHOOSE!

14) Something I love about a fandom I'm in: The PJO fandom looks like the nicest fandom, but then you get in and it's hell.

15) Something I hate about a fandom I'm in: Some people in the Phandom can be really mean if you don't ship Phan, or if you ship Phan, and they give the rest of the fandom a bad name.

16) Would I take a bullet for the people I fangirl over: Where's the bullet going? What are the circumstances? Most of the people I fangirl over are fictional so the creator could just bring them back, right?

17) Do I ever hide the fact I like someone out of fear of being teased: Yes.

18) Have I ever met any of my idols: sadly no.

19) Do I have any merch of the people I fangirl over: I got a CHB shirt.

20) Favorite fan girl moment: When an accurate LGBTQ+ couple was in a book, and when I found out my BFF has a manga and we read it together.

And that's all!

I now tag






And any of you people that feel like doing a tag!


I'm bad at this....

I'm gonna go now.

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