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This idea literally can to me during a dream... I am a prophet 

Nico POV

I was over at Miss Solaces house with Will, Hazel, and Wills half sister Maggie.

"What are you talking about, Will?" Maggie said, "I could totally eat that cookie in one bite." She was wearing a big t-shirt and gym shorts, with her golden hair falling just above her shoulders.

"I'm not saying you couldn't, I'm saying you shouldn't." Will replied.

Maggie stared at him. "....... I'm gonna do it."

"MAGGIE, NO!" Hazel tried to stop her, but it was to late- The tiny Hispanic 12 year old was in too deep.

She shoved the cookie in her mouth, looking like a chipmunk.

Will sighed at the sight.

Meanwhile, I was trying to hold in my laugh. "Pfff-"

"Can we just start the movie?" Will asked.

"Yeah, let's do that." Hazel said.

Maggie swallowed her cookie. "YEAH! Time to watch The Greatest Showman!"

-----------Time Skip---------

The movie was close to the end and it was around midnight, Maggie and Hazel fell asleep sharing a blanket, and I was leaning on Will's shoulder. We got to the last song, but I couldn't stay awake, so I fell asleep like that.


I was walking down the beach, when suddenly I came across an abandoned camp with the fire still blazing.


I looked to my right. Standing there was Bianca.


But she kept looking at the fire, a look of anger on her face.

"I'm disappointed in you." She said. Her expression turned to one of disgust. "I can't believe I have to call you my brother. You're nothing but pathetic." 

I was to stunned to say anything.

"And to think," She continued, "I have to live with the misery of knowing I have a gay brother. This is not how I raised you, Nico. You had so much potential, but you went and through it away."

"But, I- I.." I stumbled for words.

She finally looked at me, her eyes red. "I wish you had died instead of me."

Tears streamed down my face, and I fell to the ground.

Bianca's eyes turned back to chocolate brown. "Nico?" She knelt next to me, "Soldatino, what's wrong?"

"You- you-..." I still couldn't manage to get anything out.

Bianca's eyes widened with fear. "It's controlling me again, isn't it?" Her voice shook.

"What's controlling you?" I finally managed to get out.

"Nico, listen to me." My sisters image started to fade away, "You have to find me! Remember, Nico! Remember-!" She was almost completely gone now.

"Wait!" I yelled, "Don't leave me!" But she was already gone.

~~End of dream~~   

 I woke with a start. "Don't leave!"

I realized it was morning now. I was laying down on the same couch I was on last night. Will walked in, wearing an apron, and holding a spatula.

"What?" He asked, "Who don't leave?"

"Will," I answered, my voice shaking, "We have to go."

"Hmm?" Maggie asked, she was sitting on the floor next to Hazel.

"All four of us." I said.

"Nico, what do you mean?" Will looked at me with concern.

"I'll explain later, but we need to leave. Now."

The truth was- I had know idea what I was taking us into. Two children of the sun, and two children of the Underworld, don't make for a great pairing. All I knew was that Bianca was trying to tell me to go somewhere, and right when I woke up I had one address in my head-

P. Sherman 42, Wallaby Way, Sydney.      

One happy family (kind of) {PJO/HOO fan fic}Where stories live. Discover now