Be Aware of the Market

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I think it gave me a confidence boost when I needed it. You don't exactly start off knowing you want to become a published author, at least not in my case. I have always been unsure about my writing ability. It doesn't help when every one of your friends is a computer nerd. Fiction books are something they tend to avoid. To fill that void, Wattpad was a good substitute. I could easily talk to my followers and respond to their comments. It was also very interesting to see how different people reacted to the same story. This helped me learn a little more about the readers that are in the market, what they may expect, and what they would rather not see in a story.

Wattpad can be a daunting place when you don't see any reads/stars for ages. What's important to remember is that you're writing for yourself and your future readers. I recall spending hours in the Community Forums, chatting to people and hoping they would give my work a shot. Now, some of my books are wide and the others are on Amazon Kindle Unlimited and/or Prime. Don't give up and reach out to others, ask for advice from established authors, make friends, and strive to improve your craft at every turn. This may sound cliché but follow your heart. People are attracted to those who burn with passion. :)

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