Make A Change. 3.1

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In his office crowded with books and instruments, Dr. Glick leaned forward, hands open and palms out to Zilik. "She won't eat, she won't talk to anyone, not even me," Dr. Glick said. "I figured if anyone could get through to her, it would be you."

Zilik didn't answer at first, lost in thought.  "What about her friends?  Have they had any luck?"

Dr. Glick shook his head.  "They're on a two day pass with the Anolis contingency."

"Not good.  Couldn't you keep them here?" Zilik asked.

"It wasn't up to me. I'm not assigned to their case.  It was decided that it would have been bad for public relations to restrict them." 

Zilik's color flashed into red. "There's been no trouble restricting Alex."

"Don't snap at me, Zilik, it's not my fault.  She doesn't have a country to back her and she's an alien mammal.  It's harder to convince the InterSpecs to give her some liberty, especially now that the Anolis Council member is pressing to have her permanently constrained." Dr. Glick patted his pockets and drew out a piece of paper to show Zilik.

The chameleon leaned forward to read it. "Don't the Chameleons have any say in this? Why haven't I heard of this in the Council?"

"I don't know, but you're dealing with a natural prejudice against mammals.  That and the fact the Gilas awarded her szarek status shows she's not harmless," Dr. Glick said.

Zilik hissed, "Cowards. I'll talk to her."


Zilik knocked on the door several times before he opened it.  He knew that Alex appreciated privacy and that knocking was courteous.  He and Dr. Glick reminded the scientists and techs of this repeatedly. 

"You didn't answer, so I let myself in," Zilik said in his best conciliatory tone.

The figure facing the wall didn't answer.

"Since your friends are away on pass, I thought you might want some company," he continued.

Still no answer.

He crossed over to her bed and sat down on it, fighting to keep his color a placed brown, but the red kept pushing forward because of his anger at the way she was being treated. "It must be awful to be the only one of your kind around.  I know I would hate it."

Alex still didn't answer, but she turned her head to look at him.

"It's no help that your friends have taken off without you," Zilik spoke with heat.

Alex looked at him in surprise. "What do you know of it?"

"That they were allowed a two day pass while you have to sit here.  It cracks my egg.  We Chameleons used to have a lot of influence in the Council. I don't know what's happened."

"No one wants an overgrown chitterer running loose." Alex turned back to the wall.

"Who called you an overgrown . . . no, never mind, I know.  Let Cla rot in her shell, we'll show her.  Please get up," Zilik said.

Alex sat up slowly but still faced the wall. 

"Do you know what we Chameleons do when we're blue?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.

"Beat up obnoxious female Anolis?"

"No, but be patient, you may get a chance. How does shopping sound to you?"

Alex looked at him. "That's third choice."

"What's second?" Zilik asked.

"Jazz brunch in New Orleans with lots of champagne, but seeing as that's impossible, let's go shopping."

Guardians: Away Mission Book 2 of the Guardians Saga COMPLETED except for editsWhere stories live. Discover now