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Bev's P.O.V
I got home from Ben's house when we went with the losers, (sorry if this isn't when this occurred) going into my bathroom and locked the door. I walked to the bath and sat down, pulling out a postcard addressed to me. I turned it around and saw a poem written on it.

Your hair is winter fire,
January embers,
My heart burns there too. Bev Marsh

I pulled it closer to my chest and smiled. I had a feeling of who gave this to me.
Bill Denbrough.

Ben's P.O.V
I felt nervous when I slipped that poem into Bev's bag. A lot of negative thoughts ran through my mind. What if she thinks I'm weird? What if she doesn't like it? What is she thinks it's someone else?

My mind stopped at that thought. I'm right. "She probably thinks Bill sent that to her. I'm such an idiot! I should've signed the card!" I thought out loud, lying on my bed. Well all I need to do is hope for the best.
Maybe she does like Bill. I mean, look at him.
He's everything I'm not. He's skinny, handsome and kind. I'm fat, chubby. I'm not good for her. "Your hair is winter fire, January embers, my heart burns there too," I mumbled before falling asleep.

A/N: For each one shot picture I'm just gonna use the same photo because I can't find any good ones and my cover app is acting up. See y'all xx

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