Stranger Things!AU

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So I thought it would be fun to make a Stranger Things!AU mash up kinda thing. So some ST characters will still remain like Hopper and Mr Clark.
Character list
Ben is Mike
Bev is El
Eddie is Will
Mike is Lucas
Richie is Dustin
Stan as Max
Bill as Jonathan
Henry as Billy
Greta as Kali/OO8
Alvin (Bev's dad) as Martin Brenner
Sonia as Joyce
              Bev is her real name, like how eleven's is Jane.

Ben's P.O.V
El's been gone for 352 days now. All my friends have moved on from her. I'm surprised Mike got over her, since all he gave her most of the time was shit. But recently him and Richie have been crushing on Stan, the new kid. I don't think I like him, he keeps trying to replace El.

Pushing him out of my mind, I went down to the basement and sat in the blanket fort. With my walkie talkie in hand, I tuned into the channel and started talking to her.

"El, are you there? El?"
Nothing, but the screeches of the talkie.

"It's me, it's Ben. It's day 352, 7:40 pm. I'm still here. If you're out there, say something. Or give me a sign. I won't even say anything. I just wanna know if you're ok."

The static began to crackle. "I'm so stupid." I mutter to myself until I hear a distorted voice coming through. "Ben." I ran over and picked it up, but it was just Richie. "Hello? Ben is that you?" "Yes it's me Rich." I sighed.

"What are you doing on this channel again? I've been trying to reach you all day! We were right. Stan is Mad Stan!" "Yea I'm busy," I muttered. "But-" Richie's voice went off when I put the receiver down, ( I don't know) I put it down. El where are you?
??? P.O.V


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