Chapter 38

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here's the giant plot twist that i've been planning since literally the first book pls don't hate me

With a flash of green light Harry fell to the ground. I stopped myself from crying out. There was nothing I could do now. No shield could have, and there was nothing I could've done that fast to get him out of harm's way. Why he had to play martyr was beyond me. There were other ways to do this. If I was being honest, I did understand what Harry had done. IT may have been possible to avoid, but who kew how long that would've dragged out. This way, it was all over quickly. If I had the same choice, I likely would've made the same decision.

As soon as the spell hit Harry Voldemort fell to his knees. I, of course, knew that this was him reacting to the Horcrux within Harry dying, but no one else knew quite what to do.

"My Lord?" called Bellatrix, softer than I had ever heard her speak.

"Get away from me," Voldemort shouted pushing all his followers away, "I require no assistance."

Even as he said those words he allowed my mother to get under his arm and help him to his feet. She stayed at his side leaning into his touch.

"Is he dead? You go check," Voldemort pointed at Narcissa Malfoy.

Her eyes widened but she lowered her head and walked over slowly to where Harry was laying on the ground. She knelt down next to him for a moment.

When she stood she called, "he is dead."

"Hear that!" called Voldemort, 'The Boy Who Lived is dead at last. It is time for us to celebrate and take the world as we know it."

There were hollars of happiness from the Death Eaters around me. Some even sent sparks into the air in their glee. I saw Blake's parents embrace, but Blake was staring down. He was clutching Blaise's hand so hard his knuckles were white.

Voldemort threw Harry's body into the air and was jeering at him but I couldn't hear anything he was saying. All I could hear was the words echoing through my mind. He was dead. Harry POtter was dead. The Boy WHo Lived was dead. That left it to me to kill Voldemort. I had been preparing to fight him for years, but I had always been okay because I knew Harry would be the one to actually end it. Now, I had to see the thing through to the end, and not mess up. I wasn't sure there was anyone else that could stand up to him very well if I screwed up my one shot.

"Come, let his supporters see their hero. Now, who should carry him. Yes, you, you'll carry him, he'll be visible in your arms I do believe."

I saw him point his slender finger across the clearing at Hagrid. THe Death Eaters closest to hagrid pulled him off the tree and forced him forward. Voldemort dropped Harry's limp body into his arms. A nearby Death Eater picked up glasses off the ground and forced them onto Harry's face.

Hagrid began to sob as Voldemort's entourage began to walk through the forest. Voldemort had a lively skip to his step, yet I dragged my feet. Soon everyone would see how badly I had failed by allowing Harry to be killed.


THe whole party stopped in their tracks as Voldemort commanded. The only sound was the sound of Hagrid's sobs. I longed to comfort the man that had given me so much during my time at Hogwarts, but I could do nothing as I watched him hold the dead body of one of his favorite students. He held Harry as a baby as he brought him to Privet Drive, it seemed fitting that he would be the one to carry him as he advanced to the next life.

Voldemort's usual cold, high voice held some glee as it rang out across campus, "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished. There must be no more war. Anyone who continues to resist, man, woman, or child, will be slaughtered, as will every member of their family. Come out of the castle now, kneel before me, and you shall be spared. Your parents and children, your brothers and sisters will live and be forgiven, and you will join me in the new world we shall build together."

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