Chapter Five: Princess Sadie

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As she shut her eyes tightly, she wished and wished. Sadie allowed her mind to be filled with all kinds of magical things.

She thought of a magical kingdom where she was the princess, and in that moment both Sadie and the blanket disappeared completely.

When Sadie opened her eyes, there was a brightness around her making the blanket glow.

She pulled the hood of the blanket off her head and at first the light made her squint. But when she could see, she held her blanket tightly and a smile stretched across her face.

Sadie was still sitting on her bed; however, she was no longer in her bedroom.

She clambered down from her bed and tip-toed to the edge of the cliff in front of her.

From there Sadie could see an entire kingdom in the valley below. There was a candy forest, a chocolate river, marshmallow clouds and even the ground on which she stood was soft.

But the thing that caught her eye more than anything else, was the grand white castle on the other side of the forest.

"You must be Princess Sadie. We are glad you could finally join us." Said a sweet voice.

Sadie looked down to find a chestnut coloured teddy bear staring up at her. "Are you talking to me?" She asked the bear, still unsure if he even spoke at all.

"Yes, my lady. My name is Hedwig. Please come with me. Everyone is waiting for you." The bear replied before skipping along, down a red trail. What made the trail red-as Sadie came to realize with a closer inspection-was all kinds of red lollies.

Sadie threw her blanket over her shoulders, tied it around her neck like a hooded cloak and followed Hedwig along the red lolly path, into the candy forest.

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