Chapter Sixteen: Typical School Day

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It was a brand-new day.

Sadie was woken by a 'meowing' Luna, trotting along the end of her bed.

Feeling a little better today, Sadie exited her bedroom and was on her way to her mother's door to wake Patricia. Sadie stopped and shook her head.

She went to her father's door instead.

"Morning, Sadie." Steven said with a smile-he could tell she was in a happier mood. He had also just woken up and was getting ready for work-he was the PE teacher at the high school.

Sadie smiled. "Good morning."

And they began their typical week-day routine; Steven made them breakfast, Sadie put her school uniform on and they were out the door by 8:30am.

After Steven dropped Sadie off at school, he would walk around the corner to the high school to start his day at work.

Sadie had a single best friend-Tahlia, who was kind and sporty. They did everything together. Sadie loved going to school.

As for Steven, his students loved him-which was not hard to believe-and so did his fellow teachers. He had never had a single bad day at work in the five years he'd worked at the high school.

After school was over, Steven would then pick up Sadie and they'd pick up Grandma Rosie on the way home.

But when they arrived home, what they found was far from 'typical'.

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