Chapter Fifty: My Name is Mordred

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Much like her last visit to Kilgharrah, the dragon's haunting words followed Merlyn. Kilgharrah had given her a reason not to save the boy and it was a pretty good one. If Mordred lived he would kill Arthur preventing the Once and Future King from uniting Albion and leading to the misery and death of whole communities whom would still be at war. Without Arthur uniting them, the magical community would still be under attack from the non-magical armies much like Uther's. However, if Mordred died, a boy barely a teenager would be killed for something he would do ... most likely. Was the life of one boy now worth the lives of hundreds for years to come?

As Merlyn went over everything in her mind again and again, Gaius watched her. They were supposed to be eating their dinner but Merlyn was just staring at her food, unseeing of everything. The physician of course had heard of the Druid boy's capture, he could only assume that was what was eating Merlyn alive.

"I assume it's the plight of the Druid boy that's causing your forehead to wrinkle like a lizard's elbow" Gaius finally spoke. At his words Merlyn lifted her tired, hopeless gaze.

"Would you let something terrible happen if it meant you'd stop something even worse happening in the future?" Merlyn asked quietly. She didn't know how to make the decision. Should she help save Mordred? She should help capture Mordred? Should she do nothing and let fate take its course?

"I suppose it depends on what the 'terrible' and 'even worse' things were" Gaius replied truthfully.

"One of them's bad, really bad. And the other, it's ... unthinkable. It affects entire communities over just one life" Merlyn explained, dropping her gaze.

"It sounds as if you've already made your decision" Gaius pointed out. Merlyn sighed. Gaius was right. Whilst Merlyn would not help capture Mordred, she would not help save him either. "You can only do what you believe to be right, Merlyn. I just hope it doesn't involve you putting yourself in terrible danger." Merlyn had only one option she could in all good conscious take. One of neutrality.

"For once, you don't have to worry. I'm going to do nothing."


Morgana had convinced Arthur to free the Druid boy, though it had not taken much convincing. Arthur did not want to see the young boy die for nothing more than being a Druid. Between the two royals a plan had been formed and was now all set to go off. Morgana was dining with Uther in the Great Hall, acting the part of remorseful ward in order to avoid suspicion falling on herself. Whilst Arthur had collected everything he needed to free the boy from prison and get him out of Camelot through the burial vaults and back to his people. His horse was by the exit of the tunnels, put there by the messenger Arthur had sent to the Druids about his plan; he could only hope they listened.

Everything was set. Arthur had made his way to the wrought iron staircase that led straight to the dungeons were the boy was being held. Once in position Arthur swiftly lit the contents of his bag which began to smoke. Once the smoke was thick, Arthur grabbed an extra cloth and covered his mouth whilst he lowered the bag into the vicinity that the guards were in playing cards. Once the guards began to breathe in the smoke, that quickly filled the area, they began coughing. Before they toppled over, collapsing to the floor unconscious yet alive.

Keeping the cloth tightly over his mouth, Arthur descended the stairs into the smoke filled area and ran to the guard whose belt held the keys. Easily the prince was able to grab the keys, what with the guards being unconscious and all. With the keys in his grasp, Arthur swiftly made his way to the prison cell that contained the young Druid boy. The boy was curled up against the wall but at the sound of a key going into his cell door's lock the boy froze. He recognised Arthur as the one to capture him. The look the boy gave Arthur made the prince sigh in regret. The boy was so young. He shouldn't be locked in a cell. Yanking the door open Arthur stepped inside.

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