Chapter 16 Get Out of my Head

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  Small time skip (I'm lazy)

  "Alright, so its settled, Cassandra goes with K.O, Shimo goes with Trudy, and I go alone." Carmen stated to recap.

   "How come your going alone?" Shimo asked, crossing his arms.

   "So we can cover more ground you idiot." Carmen answered. This statement only made Shimo glare at her. "If anything happens, just call one of us, and we'll try to come as fast as we can. Understood?" Carmen stated once more.

  Everyone nodded and walked in separate directions. Some of the buildings appeared somewhat and partly damaged while the rest looked almost untouched. But the ones that appeared untouched were old with age.

   Cassandra and K.O were slowly walking around what use to be a village with so much potential to thrive. K.O felt sad at how the place could've been amazing, yet he also had a feeling of dread. There was one building in particular that caused K.O to stop and take a good look at it. 

    Cassandra noticed that K.O wasn't walking with her. She looked behind her and saw K.O looking at a house that had a lime green color that faded away due to age and time. She walked back towards him and stood next to him.

  "This place could've have had so much potential to great." K.O said with remorse in his voice.

   "You want to know something, I've been to this place once with Trudy. Yet, this just leaves me feeling...I don't know the word for it." Cassandra explained to K.O in the same tone of voice.

    "I guess that explains why you and your sister know about this place." K.O said as he leaned on Cassandra's side. Cassandra put her arm around K.O. He felt safe, he felt comfort, he felt protected. "Come on, lets keep moving." Cassandra said as she started walking away from the house.

    K.O lifted his head and walked as he looked at the ground. A few minutes pass by and there was nothing but silence, apart from the sound of the wind blowing faintly. "Hey, K.O," Cassandra said, grabbing his attention.

  "Are you okay? You look like something's bothering you." she asked.

   "Not really." K.O answered, looking back down at the ground. "Well, what's on your mind?" she asked. K.O hesitated to answer her. "K.O, you can tell me what's wrong. I'm not gonna bite." Cassandra reassured as she stopped walking.

   K.O stopped as well and looked at her. He began to feel tears threaten to fall. He hugged Cassandra tightly and started crying in her cape, leaving a wet spot. Cassandra hugged him back.

    "y-you know h-how you told me a-about T-Turbo,"
  "Yeah?" Cassandra said, now curious.

    "W-well, I-I had a b-bad dream about h-her last night." K.O said as he sniffled. Cassandra let go of K.O from the hug.

"What happened in your dream, K.O?" she asked, sounding concerned with her hands on his shoulders.

    K.O took a moment to calm himself down. Once he was, he sniffled and took a deep breath. "W-well, I was in a dark room and i heard what almost sounded like crying. So, I went to there to see who it was. W-when she turned a-around, she looked like you but scary. A-and. . . and. . ." K.O couldn't keep on talking about that nightmare.

  He was about to burst into tears again when Cassandra hugged him. K.O hugged her back. "K.O, listen to me. I know Turbo well enough that she wouldn't hurt anyone that I love and care about. That dream you had was probably T.K.O messing with you." she explained.

This made some sense to K.O. He really shouldn't be surprise that T.K.O would do something like that. He felt a little bit better. He felt safe in Cassandra's arms. Then, he heard a weird noise. K.O couldn't tell what it was, but it sounded like....someone was laughing. However, the laughing was so faint that K.O had to listen closely.

    K.O's grip on Cassandra tightened. "K.O, is there something else wrong?" Cassandra asked in concern.

  He didn't answer. He let of Cassandra and walked to where that laughing was coming from. "K.O?" Cassandra asked again, walking in his direction.

  "Do you hear that?" K.O asked.

  "Hear what?" she asked, not knowing what he was talking about.

     "I hear laughing from somewhere." K.O said. The laughing he was hearing was becoming more louder and louder. K.O stopped at where he was at and saw a figure in the shadows.

   K.O squinted at the figure until it stepped from the shadows to reveal...T.K.O. K.O stepped back away from him. His heart was beating faster and he began to hyperventilate.

   "K.O answer me." Cassandra demanded in concern. She stood next to him and she noticed something. K.O's eyes weren't there normal color. They were pink instead of brown. Cassandra knew what those eyes meant.

    "K.O, listen to me. Whatever your seeing isn't real, its just an illusion." Cassandra said, trying her best to calm K.O down.

"Miss me, K.O?" T.K.O asked in smug voice.

"N-no. S-stay away from me." K.O said in fear to the nonexistent T.K.O. He fell to his knees and was looking to ground. "What, is the little baby gonna cry?" T.K.O asked smugly.

   K.O tried his best to fight back the tears. He clutched the sides of his head as T.K.O started laughing maniacally. "Please, leave me alone." K.O managed to say to him.

   "You worthless child, you don't have the potential to be a hero." T.K.O said getting closer. "No, that's not true." K.O said. T.K.O started laughing again and K.O shut his eyes and covered his ears.

    "Stop, please just stop. Get out of my head." K.O choked out. He began to cry from the torture he was being put through.

  "K.O!" Cassandra yelled, causing K.O to look up. She was on her knees and right in front of him. His eyes went back from pink to brown.

  "K.O, that was just an illusion. It wasn't real." Cassandra said in a calm and comforting tone.

"It-it wasn't?" he asked with tears in his eyes. "Of course it wasn't real." Cassandra said as she put her hand his shoulder. K.O hugged her tightly and began to cry in her cape once again. She hugged him back and stroked his head.

  "Its okay, K.O. Its okay." she said in a gentle voice. The hug felt like an eternity, even though it lasted for 15 minutes. K.O let go once he calmed down.

  Then, he heard something else. He heard what sounded like rustling. K.O looked to Cassandra and saw her standing and in a fighting position.

"Y-you heard that to?" he asked, wiping his eyes with his arm.

  She didn't answer, but rather she put her hand in front of his face. It probably meant for him to stay quiet. K.O stood up, and got in a fighting position as well.

   What came out of the shadows left K.O shocked and dumbfounded. The person who came out of the shadows was....Enid.

    Word count: 1,240

If you don't understand what's going on in this chapter, then just let me know. And yet, we have another dark moment....Yay. I'll try getting chapter 17 up as soon as I can, but if I'm busy, then yeah you get the point. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

OK K.O. Let's be Heroes - A Devil's Mind Game (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now