Friday of the tour

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----------Ashley's POV---------

Luke drove me home to say my good bye to Destiny and gave her a hug. I said im gonna miss you Destiny! she said Me to! Now y'all dont get to frisky on tour! she laughed. We won't I promise! I told her.

Me and Luke walked out hand in hand to the truck and drove to the bus. We got there and we went to the back room and layed down a watched a movie while we were waiting for our destination.

--------------Luke's POV-----------

Me and Ashley were in my room watching a movie. She was snuggled up in my side and I had my arm around her and me and her was just as happy as we could be!

We were going to Destin Florida for a concert. I told Ash to pack some swimsuits. We arrived in Florida and we unpack our sound equipment and microphones. We were 2 hours away from show time and we were doing a sound check.

-------------Chase's POV----------

Destiny wanted me to tell Ashley that we were going out but I didn't know when to tell her. I will have to make a short plan on how to get her to talk to me.

-------------Ashley's POV-----------

Chase has been acting weird lately.  He came over to get me and he said he needed to talk to me in private. I said okay. He said "Ashley, Me and Destiny are going out now and she didn't want to tell you so she asked me to tell you. I said "OMG That's AWESOME!!!!" We were done talking and I was walking backstage and when I turned the corner this girl was kissing Luke! He was trying to push back and I wasnt mad at him but I was Furious at the girl! I walked up behind her and picked her up and threw her on the ground. She asked "Who the hell are you?!" I said "I'm Luke's girlfriend!" She told me "No! I'm Luke's girlfriend!" I turned towards Luke and asked him with tears in my eyes and said "Is t-ture?" he said "NO!! She is my ex girlfriend and she came up to me and started kissing me!" She came up behind me and started kissing Luke again and this time I picked her up and threw her on the ground and I beat the snot out of her! Her nose was broke, 3 fingers, and I had a hand full of her hair in my hand! I said "You better stay your Sorry ass away from my Luke!" She got up and ran out of backstage.

--------------Luke's POV----------

I didn't know Ashley could fight!!! Tina isn't coming back again! I went over to Ashley and got her off the ground and she was so mad she passed out! I took her back to the bus and looked her over and there was a knife in the back of her leg and was down deep in there two!! I took it out and got a wash cloth and wrapped it around her leg and rushed her to the hospital. I waited in the waiting room and the doctor said "Are you Luke?" I nodded my head yes. He said "Ashley is doing fine she passed out cause of her high blood pressure and the amount of blood she lost in her leg. She need some stitches and she needs to wear a small leg brace on her stitches so they will heal faster. We put some stitches that will dissolve in her leg." I said "Thank you sir!" "Can I see her now?" he said "she is in room 340 and she is probably sleeping from the pain medicine" I said "Thank you!" I rushed to her room and she was sleeping. I pulled up a chair beside the bed and held her hand. I started singing her favorite song "I dontw want this night to end" and she grasped my hand and woke up! I hopped out of the chair and hugged her!

----------Ashley's POV----------

I woke to Luke singing my favorite song! I woke up with a smile on my face! Luke hugged me and I asked "What happened?" he said "You got in a fight with Tina my ex and she stabbed you in the leg with a knife and I took you back to the bus and looked you over and there was a knife. I took it out and wrapped it in a towel and rushed you to the hospital. The doctor told me that you passed out from high blood pressure and the amount of blood you lost. I said "Luke, you are the best!" and kissed him! We both pulled back with smiles on our faces! The doctor came in amd I signed a release form and we headed back to the concert! But we had to get my medicine from the pharmacy and a small leg brace. Now we off!

---------Luke's POV---------

There is 1 our until the concert and we started doing our warm ups. I told Ashley she could sit on the couch and watch the concert on tv or you could go back to the bus and get some rest. She limped over to the couch and sat down with a smile and I walked over and kissed her and walked on stage. I started singing Drink a Beer and I forgot to tell Ashley about this song. I had tears in my eyes the whole song and whe. it was done I walked off stage crying!

----------Ashley's POV--------

I was waiting for Luke to come off stage to get his break but he came off stage bawling! I tild him to come over here! He did and he layed on my lap and  I was playing with his hair. He finally stopped crying and told me "Ashley, I was crying from that song. I w-wrote it afte m-my b-bother and s-sister d-d-died!" he said starting back crying. I said "It will be okay I next time you sing that song I will walk on stage with you and I will sing with you so you will feel more comfortable singing that song!" I said with a smile and he looked up and smiled and said "Really Ashley??" I said "Yes Lukey anything for you!" I said smiling.  He got up and sat next to me and we started kissing and they called him back on stage.

----------Luke's POV---------

Who want to hear Drink A Beer one more time and this time with my girlfriend? The crowd roared. I motioned Ashley to come on stage and she limped over here with a smile on her face. I let her start off until the chores. I was astounded she could really sing! We both started at the chores and we both were holding hands. I didn't know she could sing like that! She was amazing! After the song ended she walked off stage and I watched her walk off and she got a call and she was crying and chunked her phone and it broke into small pieces. She feel to the ground crying and I stopped the concert.

--------Ashley's POV---------

I got a call from Chase while I was walking off the stage and he said that Destiny was in a car crash and has serious damage to her head. I was very upset and I threw my phone and it broke but I don't care! I fell to the ground crying my eyes out and I heard Luke say stop the concert I got to go check on baby! He ran off stage and ran to me! He picked me up and walked to the couch and I was crying so much I couldnt breath! Luke was hugging me and I started to calm down! He asked "What happed darlin?!" I said "Chase called me and said that Destiny h-had a car crash and has s-serious damage to her h-head!" Luke picked me up and took me to the hospital once more. Chase gave us her room number and we ran to it! Luke let me go inside alone and he said after 5 minutes I will come inside with you! I said Okay. I went inside. I seen Destiny with all these machines attached to her and when I walked in I instantly broke into tears! I walked over and sat down in the chair and started crying! After 5 minutes Luke came in and I was in the floor in a corner crying. He came over to me and held me. I got out my purse and I found my blood pressure medicine and took it cause I could feel it rising! When I got up the heart monitor thing went blank and I started crying again! The doctors came in tried the shocking thing and it didnt work! They walked over to me and said that she is dead. I instantly fell to the ground again and Luke followed! He crarried me back to the waiting roon and I was crying to much to tell them what happened so I looked at Luke and he nodded yes and he told them. Everyone was in tears after that even Luke was!

--------Luke's POV---------

I have never seen Ashley cry this much before! Ashley just seen her best friend die! She stayed with her when she ran away from home cause of her dad! She was practically her sister! I feel so sorry for Ashley right now! We all walked out of the hospital and me and Ashley went back to the bus. She sat there on the bed and cried! I sat down with her and she cried into my chest and she finally was clam down. She sat up and said "She was my one and only sister and best friend I ever had! Her and her family took care of me until I graduated from college!

---------Ashley's POV------

Luke pulled me into a tight hug and he got up and undressed and I did to and he gave me his shirt. We both were tired so we just layed in bed hugging and soon we both were asleep!

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