Lazy Day

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----------Ashley's POV-----------

Luke proposed to me 7 days ago and it has been an awesome 7 days! Today is Friday and we are going out to a bar.

We got our showers and hopped in the truck and left. We got there and went straight to the bar. I had a funny feeling in my stomach like some kind of stomach virus I told Luke "Luke, my stomach is feeling weird! Can we go to Wal-Mart and get some medicine? "Sure! Lets go Hot stuff" he said smirking. We went for the medicine and got so stomach stuff. We walk past some pregnancy test and I grabbed some just in case its not a stomach bug! We checked out and I went to the bathroom. I peed on the test and waited 15 minutes and I got up and looked at the test it had a baby on it! I screamed for Luke! "Luke!!!!! I'm pregnant!!!!" Luke just gave me a look and I knew that look! Its his happy dance look!!

-------------Luke's POV-------------

Ashley is pregnant! Im gonna be a dad!!! woo hoo!!!! We are going to the doctor tomorrow to see for sure! I picked Ashley up and swing her around and kissed her hard! We walked out and went back to the bar. She didnt drink none but some lemonade and water. I was pretty much buzzed! I looked over at Ashley and asked her to dance with me. She was dancing like I've never seen her dance! She was grinding on me which made me kinda hard! I whispered in her ear "Let's get out of here! You drive! She giggled and said "I have to drive cause you are drunk off your ass!" We drove back to the apartment walked in I went to the couch and watched some tv and before I knew it I was out! Its a good thing this couch has a bed in it! Ashley woke me up enough to take the bed out and we both layed down and feel asleep!

---------Ashley's POV----------

I woke up the next morning and got up and got some Advil and a bottle of water and layed it on the counter. I went up stairs to take a shower and got ready for the doctor. I fixed my hair and was walking down the steps and I heard yhe loudest bang I ever heard! I ran down stairs and I see Luke still on the couch waking up and rubbing his eyes. I went outside and I seen Tina with a shotgun! She blew up mine and Luke's vehicle! Then she committed suicide! I rushed inside to get my phone and I called the Police! They came flying down the road about a minute after I called! "Ma'am whats is the problem?" "I just got out of the shower and I was walking down the stairs and I heard the liudest bang ever! I ran to the door and opened it and she shot the side of the house and then she committed suicide.  They took the dead body and went on. I called the insurance place and told them what happened to both of our trucks. I called Destiny and she took us to the car dealership and we both got 2015 king ranch 4W4 mine was Blue and Luke's was Red. We loved these trucks! I drove to the doctor after and Luke followed and we went inside and they called my name. The doctor put some gel on my stomach and sure enough I had a peanut in me!  After we said our thank you's and Luke said to follow him he had to show me something! I followed him about a 5 miles from his mom's house to this 2 story beautiful log cabin! He took me inside it had some furniture in there and Luke said "Do you like it?" I said "Yes!! Is it ours??" He smiled a big smile and said "Yes!!!" I scramed and my blood pressure was rising! I had no pills so I just layed down and relaxed and it went back down! We rented a moveing truck and we started to pack! We loaded the last box and it was 12:30am we went to our new house and slept! 


Should the next chapter be all Ashley's POV or Ashley and Luke's? Please pass along my story and vote!


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