Maybe we should've slept

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------------Ashley's POV-----------

Yesterday me and Luke got married! And today was going to be long I barely got any sleep! So today I start my new job at the hospital and I can barely walk due to sleep... They had me to run to the main office on the other side of the building and speak to the head of the hospital. "So you liking you new job here so far?" Said Mr. Hank said. "Yes I do! But I should've went to sleep last night though! I was to excited to go to sleep. I got married yesterday and we are going on our honeymoon in 2 days so I was excited!" "Well I'm happy for y'all! I'll let you off a whole 2 weeks for y'all honeymoon!" Mr. Hank said! "Really!?! You are awesome!" I said giggling!

--------------------Luke's POV-----------------

Well, today is when I go meet at guy on a singing career! Me or Ashley both didn't get any sleep last night due to each other being excited! Ashley had to wake up early when she had finically went to sleep to go to her new job at the Hospital. I had to wake up at 8 and be at the studio at 10. So Ashley didn't like that! Haha! So I got a shower and got dressed and headed to the studio. I pulled up at 10:01 and hopped out and a man greeted me at the door. "Hey Mr. Bryan! Just go to the last door in the right and have a seat." I said "Thank you!" And headed to the room and when I walked past the man he slapped my butt. That's when I turned around and hit him! He has a big red mark on his face but he was still smiling! "Why are you smiling!?" The dude said "Cause I like you already!" I was confused and asked "Why" he said "Cause there will come a time in you career that a dude will slap your butt and you will need to defend yourself before it gets to out of hand!" I gave him a serious look and replied "Oh I get it now! So it was a test?" He said "It was" and he started mumbling something as he walk back to the desk. "Why is every good looking mad married and not gay." I told him "Now I'm not gay at all I'm married to the love of my life! She has my heart! She is only 5 months pregnant!" He just looked upset so I left him alone and went to Mr. York's room. I sat down and he walked in as I sat down. "Okay Luke we have some good and bad news." "The good news is that you got a record deal!" I literally jumped out of my seat! "Okay okay calm yourself!" The bad news is that you aren't starting until you get back from your honeymoon." "So it's gonna be 2 weeks before I get back so you start Saturday after you get back" he said. I jumped up and went to shake his hand and said "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" and I left.

-----------Ashley's POV-----------

Today has been long and I am tired! I just got off work and now heading home! Being pregnant takes a lot out of you when you are working! I pulled up in our driveway and Luke pulled up while I was getting out. He came up to me and picked me up spinning me around and kissed me so passionate! I pulled out and asked "Why someone is happy!" He gave me his biggest smile and said "I got a record deal!!!!!" I was beyond excited!! "I don't start until we get back from our honeymoon" and tomorrow we are going to California to the beach!" I lit up when He said that! And we hugged and I fell asleep hugging him and when he started walking up the stairs I had woken up. He laugh and put me down and we went to bed! Me and him both is off tomorrow so we gonna pack and cuddle for the rest of the day until we need to leave.


Apparently I had to be called into work and I didn't get to update I have been at work nonstop until this week! I will try to update more this week! So here y'all go! 😃 Thanks for all the views, comments, and votes! 😃 Y'all are the best! -Ashley

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