Chapter Seven

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When I pulled into the driveway, Speckles ears went straight up. I predicted that she could smell, or see, Lady from the driveway. I smiled to myself with caution. I didn't want to just think that Speckles and Lady would get along right away. I got out of the car and grabbed the leash. When I got to the passenger side, I hooked up Speckles and headed for the front door. I grabbed the doorknob and was about to twist it before I changed my mind. I walked over to the railing of the porch and leaned over. I peeked in to see Sal and Brian on the couch playing xbox. Lady laid next to Brian at his feet. I awed and pulled out my phone for a quick picture. When I looked back in, Brian and Sal were looking at me with smirks. I felt my cheeks turn red. I pointed to Lady, signaling to leash her up. They gave me a look of confusion. I slapped my hand on my forehead. I tugged on the leash so it was in view, pointed at Lady, over and over again. The guys finally understood and got up to leash her. I rolled my eyes and headed to the door. I grabbed the doorknob and walked in.

Good thing I had the dogs on leashes. As soon as I opened the door, Speckles ran in barking. Lady started to bark and jump as Sal tried to keep her calm. Brian took Speckles' leash from my hands, since I was loosing the grip to it. Both dogs jumped and barked at each other, making it scary for me to watch. Sal gave me a look of 'what do we do now?' I gave him an uncertain look back and sucked in air. Then, I had an idea.

I clapped at Speckles and pointed at her. "Hey! Sit."

Speckles sat, but she kept barking. I brought my fingers to my lips and kept my contact with Speckles. Slowly, her barking died down, and she was calm next to Brian's feet, panting. Though, her gaze never left Lady.

Now for me, it was time to learn what trained commands Lady had. So, I did the same as I did to Speckles. I clapped at her and pointed, but at her butt instead of just pointing straight at her face. To my surprise, Lady sat and stopped barking.

"Hmm. That went better than expected." I shrugged, quite surprised.

"Thank god that's over." Sal groaned shuffling in his spot.

I gave him a glare. "What?!" He asked defensively. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. Brian, I want you to unhook Speckles from her leash." I said.

Brian gave me a look of question. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive." I replied.

Brian hesitated before actually unhooking her. Speckles stood up and cautiously walked toward Lady. Lady started tugging and barking again once Speckles got close. Speckles took a few steps back in fear. I clapped and shushed Lady again. She sat at Sal's feet and stared at Speckles. Once again, Speckles approached Lady cautiously. Lady started to growl so I clapped at her. Lady stopped and Speckles sniffed Lady. Lady would once and a while give a deep growl, but I clapped at her each time.

Next thing I knew, Speckles gave one more sniff at Lady, then just walked away. I gave a confused look as I watched her walk into the kitchen and eat from her bowl. I gave the same questioning look to both Sal and Brian. They shrugged.

"What do you want to do then?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, what do you want us to do? I don't want to hold onto this leash for the rest of the fucking night." Sal said a little annoyed.

"Okay, calm your tits." I said. "Just unhook Lady and I'll take care of the rest. You guys can head home."

So, Sal did what I said. He unhooked Lady and she went off to jump onto the dog bed Brian and Sal put out for her.

"I guess until next time?" I asked.

"Until next time." Brian said with a smile.

I gave him a hug. "Have fun on that little date tomorrow." He whispered in my ear.

"I'll try." I whispered back.

Brian gave me one last smile before walking out the door. Sal then walked over to me and handed me Lady's leash. I thanked him. We stood there for at least a minute in awkward silence.

"So..." he trailed off.

"So..." I mimicked.

Sal rolled his eyes. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

Sal smiled. He wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug. Of course, I hugged back. Man, did he smell good. It also felt good to be in his arms like this. I just wanted to hold him for eternity. But, just like every story, I had to let go. Sal, though, kept his hands on my shoulders. He stared at me. Sal gave me one last smile before leaning in and kissing my cheek. My face heated up as he walked toward the door. He cracked it open, stepped outside, then turned back at me.

"Tomorrow?" He asked.

"Tomorrow." I reassured with a small wave.

He gave me one last smile before walking out the door and closing it behind him. I sighed and floated to the couch. I plopped down and held my hands to my heart. It was pumping pretty fast, but that was okay. I knew that this would be good and there would be no interruptions.

'It's just a date.' I reminded myself. Then it clicked to me all at once. 'Oh my god, I haven't been on a date for eight years!'

I sat up in panic. I think Speckles could feel my panic because she came running into the living room and jumped onto the couch. She rested her head on my lap and looked up at me. I smiled and leaned back, petting my baby.

"You know exactly how to make me feel better, don't you?" I cooed.

Then I heard whimpering. Lady sat in front of me with a look of sadness and jealously. I awed and motioned her to come on the couch as well. By six thirty, I was relaxed on the couch with dogs resting their heads on my lap. Maybe one of the most calming nights I've had in a while.

Later I fixed myself a quick dinner and took a quick nightly shower. I threw on some pajama bottoms and a plain t-shirt with it. I slipped on some socks and threw my hair up into a braid, so when I took it down it would save me time curling it. I plopped onto my bed and pulled out a book and read for a while. As soon as I was done and was about to turn off my lights, I got a text. I picked up my phone.

Goodnight Addison! Have sweet dreams and don't forget about tomorrow. P.s., look out the window ;)

I groaned and got up. I pulled up my curtain and looked out. There stood Sal, phone in hand with his only his pj bottoms on. He had a smile that glowed through the night. I chuckled as he waved. I waved back, my phone sitting next to my knee. Sal put down his phone and sent me a hand heart. I chuckled and sent one back to him. Sal's smile grew wider as he waved one last time before we both pulled down our curtains for bed.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now