Chapter Eight

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August 2nd

It has been a month since I came to join the River's Edge Pack and I cannot believe how well everyone has accepted me. Declan and I have decided to get married this Saturday, which is only two days away and I am freaking out. Every day that it closer, I get more excited and nervous. I am excited to be marrying my mate, the love of my life, and I am nervous because I am going to soon be the Luna of the pack and all the responsibility that comes along with the title.

"Sonny are you almost ready? We are going to be late to our own wedding rehearsal." I could hear Declan calling to me, but my nerves have been so bad as of late that all I can do is try to not wretch. I was looking at myself in the mirror of the bathroom and could not help but notice how pale I was looking. As I opened my mouth to respond to him, the sudden urge to vomit waived over me again. "Honey, that's it, I am going to tell them that you are too sick to come down, I am going to call the pack doctor and have him come right over." I could hear the worry in his voice.

I was able to compose myself long enough to yell out to him, "No, I will be fine, just let me get a cool rag and brush my teeth and I will be right down. It's just nerves, I will be alright."

"Fine, but I am still calling the doctor."

I opened the bathroom door and was met by his concerned look. "If it will help you to feel better, then fine, call him, but all it is, is a big case of nerves."

I finished getting ready and Declan stepped out to the porch that was just outside our bedroom to call the doctor. He came back in just as I was slipping my boots on. "He will meet us at the hall. Are you ready babe?"

"All set; let's go pretend to get hitched." I laughed at my own joke, but he did not find it as funny.

"Pretend to get married? We are not pretending, we are practicing so that it is all perfect on Saturday, even though I wish we could just say our 'I do's' and slip out to the honeymoon." He had a glare in his eyes as he sauntered over to me. He wrapped his arms around me until they were firmly placed on my back side.

"As wonderful as that sounds, we do have family and Alphas coming from all over the country to this and it has to be just right. I fear that if even one hair is out of place your mother is going to disown me. She has put all her time and energy into planning this wedding and I just want her to be happy. I do, after all, think of her as my mother now, too." I turned and made my way out of the room and down the stairs.

When we arrived at the hall that the wedding and reception were going to be taking place at, we were met by the pack doctor, Dr. Westing. He is tall and skinny and never left home without his medical bag. He reminds me of Hawkeye from my mother's favorite show M*A*S*H. The three of us made our way to the office so that we would have some privacy. I sat on the couch next to him and Declan stood next to me. He did as thorough of an exam as he could and had me lay back on the couch. He checked my reflexes and asked me some questions.

"Have you been tired a lot lately?"

"Yes, I guess more than normal."

"How long have you been vomiting?"

"About the last week or so, it's just nerves I keep..." Before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off.

"When was your last monthly?"

I had to think back on this one. "Well, it was... um... before I came here, back in June, I think. I have been so busy that I am not sure."

He lightly pressed on my abdomen and smiled up at me. "Well it seems that you have an extra guest at the wedding. Congratulations, you are pregnant."

I could not contain my excitement; I jump up and almost knocked the doctor over as I leapt into Declan's arms. "A baby Declan... A baby! I am so happy, I love you." Before he could say anything, I was kissing him as passionately as I could.

We stopped long enough to look over the doctor who was packing up. "I know that you are busy, but please stop at my office tomorrow so that we can get an ultrasound, that will help determine how far along you are."

Declan reached a hand out and thanked the doctor. I have never seen him look happier than he is right now. When the doctor stepped out, Declan picked me up and spun me around.

"Unless you want me to vomit on you, you'd better stop that." He gently set me down and touched his forehead to mine.

"Hi Mommy." He said with the same smile on his lips. I could not help but kiss him again.

"Hi Daddy." I could not help thinking that it just sounded right.

There was a knock on the door and Declan's mother poked her head into the office. "Hey love-birds, we need to get this show on the road. The reservations at the restaurant are for eight and it is already seven. We are almost a half hour behind schedule. Is everything okay? Why was Dr. Westing here?"

"Oh nothing, I was not feeling well, so he helped me feel better. Nothing to be concerned about, let's do this." I had to try and hide my smile. We walked out and were greeted by our wedding party. My maid-of-honor is Declan's little sister Karly, I have not had time to make any life long friends in the last month, and I think is sweet and very nice. Declan's best friend since childhood, Grayson Hall is his best man. He is handsome and the new "eye-candy" of the pack now that Declan is off the market.

My father is going to be coming back tomorrow, he had to make sure that the Crimson Falls Pack got back home safely, and he had some work to tend to. He is bringing Clayton with him and his mate. Clayton met her in Indiana and they have been inseparable according to Dad. He also said that they are going to make a great Alpha and Luna. This makes me so proud, that my little, well very big brother, is growing up.

Once we went through the motions of the rehearsal, we all piled back into our vehicles for the short drive down to Declan's bar, The Howling Wolf. There were tables set up in the back room filled with all kinds of food. At this point, I was starving and just praying that I would be able to keep some of it down. Now that I knew why I was getting sick, it all made even more sense. We sat down, Declan and I at the head of the tables.

Declan and I stood to thank everyone for being a part of our special day and handed out our gifts to the wedding party and his parents. "I think that we should just tell them." He whispered to me so that no one else would hear him.

"I don't know, maybe we should wait until we know for sure."

"Why wait, I could tell that your scent has changed, but thought it was just the stress. I know you are, our baby is growing in you and I think that we should just tell them."

I nodded and smiled at him and kissed him gently on his lips.

"I know that we are all enjoying this amazing spread, but I have something else I would like to say." He reached his hand out to . "I would again like to mine, and linked our fingers together. "Thank you all for being with us, but there is another gift that we would like to give to the pack. In roughly eight months, there will be a new addition to our family and our pack." I looked around and saw smiles lift on everyone's faces. "Sonny and I are expecting our first child, possibly the future Alpha of our pack." There were loud cheers from all at the tables and everyone came up to congratulate us. Declan looked down at me and placed his giant hand to my stomach. "I love you more than words can say, thank you for coming into my life."

I placed my hand over his and kissed him. "I love you, too, Declan. Thank you for being my everything and thank you for giving me my dreams."

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