Chapter Ten

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Wedding Day!!!!

I could not sleep, this is the biggest day of my life and I got at most about three hours of sleep. Since I started sleeping in Declan's bed every night and he was always there with me, I just got so use to him being next to me. He spent the night at his friend's house as it is bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. At this point I really didn't care about tradition; I needed his warm body next to mine to help me feel safe and comfortable.

"Shhhh... We are going to let her sleep about another hour before she will need to get up." I could hear Jillian just outside the bedroom trying her hardest to keep Karly from waking me up. "She needs to be able to rest, this is going to be a very long day and being pregnant is going to tire her out even more."

I thought about just trying to take the hour she was going to give me catch some more z's, but my body had other plans. Before I could even tell them that I was awake anyway, I was running to the bathroom.

"I think she's awake anyway, Mom. Did you get those pills from the Doc for her?" 

"Yup, Dr. Westing gave them to me, now I just need to have her take one, should help her nausea for the rest of the day."

I was coming out the bathroom and saw them both standing in the doorway, guess they had heard me. Jillian had a sympathetic look on her face and handed me a bottle of pills. "These are from the Doc, they will make the nausea easier to manage today, and I know that you would not want to have to run back down the aisle before saying 'I do' to Declan."

 I looked at the small yellow bottle in my hands; I would try anything at this point. I have tried all the suggestions that people have given to me already. Everything from eating saltines before getting out of bed, drinking ginger ale and eating several small meals a day. Nothing, I mean nothing has worked. Oh, and it is stupid to call it morning sickness when I am throwing up all day long.

I popped a pill and drank it down with some water and prayed for the best. "Hope this works, because otherwise the wedding is being held in the bathroom." They could not help but giggle at the comment.

"I know it will not come to that; how about some breakfast and you can just relax before the craziness all starts?" I nodded and followed her to the kitchen; I could smell the pancakes, eggs and sausage and hoped like hell that I could hold some of it down.

After I finished off my breakfast, I decided to lay down for a few minutes in the living room. The roses from the day before were still there and I could swear that they have multiplied. I could feel myself nodding off when the doorbell rang. I heard Karly yelling that she had it. I could feel his familiar presence fill the room and knew before he even said anything who it was.

"DAD!" I went running into his giant safe arms and clung to him. It felt like it had been forever since I had seen him. "Hey baby girl, I am glad to see you, too." I had to stifle back a tear as I took in his scent. "Come on now Harrison, what's with the water works? This is a great day and I will not have you crying over me." He set me down and I then realized that Clayton was standing behind him. It had only been a matter of weeks, but I could swear that he grew about another foot. Leave it to the werewolf genes to do that to a young man.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and hugged my brother. Yup, he definitely grew. Standing next to Clayton was a beautiful little woman. He towered over her; she had to only be about 5' 3" or so. She had platinum blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He looked down at her and back to me with pure joy in his eyes. "Sis, this is Amelia, my mate."

"It is a pleasure to meet the girl that has stolen my brother's heart."

"It is also a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for allowing him to bring me to your wedding. It's not every day that you get to see a future Alpha getting married. In fact, I have never seen it before. Our Alpha is about 70 and has no plans on retiring." I had a feeling that I was going to know her entire pack history before this weekend was up.

Guilty of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon