Chapter Seventeen

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***Present Time***

I was finally able to step down off of the stand. It took me a few days to tell my side of the story and it was now time for other people to be called up. First up was the widow of the first man I killed. I found out his name was Harold Grant, he was 34 and married. His wife cried almost the entire time on the stand and told about how wonderful he was and how he was having a hard time finding a job when the plant he was working at closed down.

Next up was the girlfriend of the other man. She was also pregnant and seemed to be due around the same time as me. His name was Matthew Krueger and he worked at the same plant as Harold. I was trying to fight back the tears, but I was losing. Knowing that I am the reason that their children would not have their fathers was now killing me inside. But, I had to remember that they are the ones that were hired to take Declan away from me D.J. and me.

There were many others called up to the stand. Many of them were the men and women that were in the clinic that day. All of them recalling how I acted as a vampire and ripped out Matthews's throat with my own teeth. Vampire my ass, if those were real, we would be in a world of hurt.

The last person to be called to the stand was a Psychologist that I had to talk to once a week. He went on and on about how I was falling apart at the seams, not only from the loss of my husband, but also over the murder of these two men. He also told everyone how I would talk to Declan as if he was still alive, and that this was a sign of psychosis. The good doctor was making it impossible to prove that I was not insane.

When the doctor was finished, the prosecuting lawyer and my own went on to their closing arguments. The prosecution talked about how I was a cold blooded killer. Mr. Bines stuttered on about how I was a grieving widow that acted in fear and pain. Finally, Judge Thomas had the jury go into deliberations. This was the waiting game that I was dreading. Before the guard came to take me back to the holding cell that I was going to be calling home until the jury came to a decision, I turned to the Pack members that were there.

'No matter what happens, please know that I love all of you and that if by some miracle of the Moon Goddess I get out of this, I will again take my place as your Luna.' I reached out to them all, whether they were members of the River's Edge Pack or the Crimson Falls Pack, I would always be a member of both.

Every member of the Packs bowed their heads and I bowed back them as the guard put the handcuffs on me.

"Love you baby girl, see you in a little bit." I heard my father call out to me.

"Stay strong sis, we are all here for you." Called Clayton

I turned and looked over my shoulder, "Thank you all." With that I was led back down to my holding cell.

It felt as if it took forever for the jury to decide my fate. It took three days to be exact. I could not decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing, I did not want to think the worst but in my case, who wouldn't. I was handcuffed again and led down the hallway to the courtroom. The last three days was filled with Pack members talking to me about anything and everything to keep my mind off of what was going on. They told me about members that have had babies, getting married and new couplings in the pack. None of this helped me at all.

I was now back in the courtroom and being uncuffed so that I could once again take my seat. I felt so uncomfortable and D.J. had not been moving around much, he was making me very nervous. I placed a hand to my stomach and waited for the Judge to come in.

"All rise for the Honorable Judge Thomas."

I stood with the help of my father who leaned over the small wall separating us.

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