Chapter Fifteen

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October 8th

It has been two weeks now and I was transferred to the maximum hold of the South Dakota State Penitentiary. I sit in a cell for about 23 hours out of the day, I am not allowed any visitors and to top it all off, I am the only werewolf in the entire place.

I am able to talk to a few of the pack members that have taken up residence in the small patch of woods near here. They are all still vigilant about standing behind me, but I can't help but feel the need to tell them to leave. This is my fight and I feel awful for putting both the River's Edge and the Crimson Falls Packs in danger.

"Casey..." I heard the guard's voice as he was coming towards my cell. It is now 11 in the morning and time for me to have my one hour of out of cell time. I get to mix with some of the general population of the maximum ward during this time period. I would much rather just hide out in my cell.

I walked up to the bars of my cell and placed my hands through. Already in a routine of how things work around here. Your name is called, you get cuffed and walked out to the area that everyone is allowed to exercise, play basketball or just walk around in.

I prefer to just keep to myself and walk around.

"Hey Casey, want to play some checkers?" Melanie called to me. She is in for murdering her husband and his mistress while they were in the middle of sex. Anyone that can sneak up on someone like that is not someone I would want to have as an enemy.

I nodded and made my way towards her. "Sure Mel, you want reds or blacks?" She was the closest thing to a friend I have in here. She was in solitary confinement for about three days soon after I got here for punching a guard in the nose. Well, he should not have touched her ass; I would have broken his damn hand right off.

We went about playing a game before I smelled her coming towards us. It was Michelle; she was about 35 years old and hard as nails and smelled like stale dish rags. For some reason, she had it out for Mel, I tried to get her to talk to me about it, but she just wouldn't.

"I was sitting here bitches." Was all she said trying to look all menacing towering over us.

I looked over to Mel who seemed like she was about to back down and move away. I reached my hand out and took hers. "No, you stay there Mel, we were here first and we are not moving. If this big oaf wants to make us move, let her go ahead and try." I then looked up to Michelle or Mickey as everyone called her. She was glaring down at me and it appeared that she was getting ready to punch me.

Before she could pull her arm back to cold-clock me, I was up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around stunned as I punched her right in the nose, knowing that it is broken. There was blood gushing out of her nose and tears running down face.

She fell to her knees as I stood over her. "If you ever come near Mel or me again, you will not live to see tomorrow. Do I make myself clear Michelle?"

She nodded yes and was taken away by the medical personnel of the prison. I on the other hand was put into solitary confinement for three days. Which was fine by me, tomorrow is the full moon and I would have no choice but to shift, which I would not be able to do if I was in my regular cell. This may have to be a regular occurrence.

I was put into the cold room that only had a toilet and a mattress on the floor. The only time I would be let out of this cell was for my check up with the doctor tomorrow. The medical equipment here is primitive to say the least. There is no ultrasound machine, only a Doppler to hear my precious baby boy's heartbeat. The medical staff does not believe me when I tell them that I am having a boy and there is no question about it.

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