Chapter Twelve

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September 18th

"Do you have everything you need?" Declan asked me for about the 10 millionth time.

I looked at him with an annoyed look and growled. "Well, again, if I knew where we were going, it would help me to better gauge what I should be bringing with me Declan... Gah, will you at least tell me if I should be packing a swimsuit or a parka?" These hormones of mine are getting all out of whack and making me blow up at everyone, mainly my amazing husband who just takes them all in stride.

Declan looked down at his feet with a little pout, "Okay, okay, okay, I'll give. The answer to your question is, yes." He lifted his head with the slightest sign of a smirk.

"AHHHH... OH MY GOD, DECLAN! I am going to kill you. What kind of answer is that?" I was clenching my fists to my side, ready to pounce on him.

"Calm down babe, you are going to need both; it's going to be cold and hot where we are going. Now just breathe and I will get your coat from the front closet. Do you have everyth..."


"Deal, I will go grab the coat and take the bags to the car." He placed a loving kiss to my forehead and walked out of the house.

Once Declan was out of the room, I started lecturing myself like a crazy person. "Get a hold of yourself Sonny, he loves you and is it so wrong that he wants to surprise you? No, of course it's not, so just relax and have a great time, it is going to be alright."

"Who are you talking to, Sonny?"

I turned and saw Sean looking very confused. "Sorry sir, just trying to calm myself down a little bit. Hey, will you tell me where he is taking me?" I figured it would not hurt to ask, what's the worse that he can say, 'no?'

Sean was doubled over laughing so hard that I was afraid that he was not going to be able to breathe. "You th... you wa... oh Sonny"

"Oh fucking forget it, I just swear to the Moon Goddess that if he is taking to some god-forsaken third world country, you will be sorry." I stormed off and did not even listen when he called my name.

"Sonny, Sonny, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. Honestly I didn't, it's just that Declan predicted that you would ask me. That boy really knows you, you know?" I felt bad for going off on him like I did.

"Don't worry about it, your grandchild is turning me into a raging bitch and I really cannot help it no matter how hard I try. Forgiven?" I opened my arms up to give him a big hug, which he gladly accepted.

"Only if you forgive me too, Sonny, I should have been more sensitive." He said while enveloping me into a big hug that only a dad knows how to give. He may not be my dad, but he was starting to become like a second one to me. "Oh, I almost forgot, I have something to give to Declan, I was going to give it to him last night, and then with Sarah showing up, I plum forgot."

Just hearing her name made my wolf want to come out and kill something. How dare she threaten us like that? I would have to talk to Declan before we left to make sure that the pack was well guarded. Almost as if he was reading my mind Sean spoke up.

"I'm sorry Sonny; I didn't mean to mention her. I know that she is a sore spot for you. If it makes you feel any better, Alpha Declan and I have already talked about this, we are beefing up security for a while to make sure she does not try anything stupid." He brushed a hair from my face and pulled me to him again into another wonderful hug.

"Thank you sir, I needed to hear that, and please get out of my head."

Sean laughed again, "Well, this pack mind link does come in handy sometimes."

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