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***5 Years Later***

"MAMA! WAKE-UP MAMA!" I pretended to sleep as D.J. jumped repeatedly on the bed. I moved my hand to where Declan sleeps and found that his side of the bed was empty. "DADDY SAID GET UP!" I quickly rolled over and grabbed him midair. He started laughing and I started to tickle him until he screamed for me to stop. I pulled him up again and started giving him kisses on his cheeks. He was the spitting image of his father and had his laugh, too.

I stood up from the bed. "Alright, I'm up, where is daddy?"

"With Emily in the kitchen, she was hungry. I helped make her food." He said proudly.

I smiled at him and picked him up from the bed, carrying him down to the kitchen. "You are such a great helper to mommy and daddy."

"That he is." Declan said, still sitting in front of the highchair that our daughter was sitting in. Emily then proceeded to throw a handful of oatmeal into Declan's face. She was the troublemaker of the two kids, always getting into something, while D.J. was always well behaved and quiet.

A laugh came out as I moved over to put D.J. down into his chair. "Let me take over, you go and get cleaned up honey." Before I could get to Declan, he stopped and looked at me inquisitively. "What, what's the matter?" He just smiled and pulled me down the hall to the bathroom with him.

Once the door was closed he picked me up and put me on the counter, he put his nose to my neck and took a deep breath in. "You smell different baby. But I have smelled it before." He looked up into my eyes until I connected the dots.

I placed a hand to my stomach and giggled. Declan and I wanted as many children as the Moon Goddess allowed and it seemed that we had another on the way. "Oh my goodness Declan, I can't believe it, another baby." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. I wanted to do more, but knowing that the kids were unattended in the kitchen meant that it would have to wait to later.

"I am so happy Sonny, I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Declan. Get cleaned up and I'll see you back in the kitchen, seems that we have something to announce to the Pack again." We kissed and I hopped off the counter.

I finished feeding Emily and got the kids ready for the day, then called Declan's parents and invited them over for lunch, telling them that there was an important pack matter that needed to be discussed. I then called my dad and told him that Declan and I were expecting again, but asked that he not tell Declan's parents as we were telling them later today. He agreed and I sent my love to Alpha Clayton, his wife Amelia and their daughter Grace.

I was so proud of my little brother, he took over as Alpha of Crimson Falls about a year ago after he and Amelia had gotten married. Their beautiful daughter Grace is about four months old and has her daddy wrapped around her finger.

After I hung up with talking to my dad, I got started on cleaning up so that the house was presentable when my in laws came over. Declan was still in the shower, and D.J. and Emily were running around the house as I prepared the lunch for Declan's parents. We were making hamburgers on the grill and I made potato salad and deviled eggs.

"Knock-knock." I heard Jillian calling as she came into the house. She and Sean moved into another house on the pack lands, saying that it was only fair that Declan and I get the Pack House to ourselves. She came into the kitchen and gave me a small kiss to the cheek. "How are my amazing grandbabies?" She asked as they came running into the kitchen grabbing onto her legs. Emily is barely able to run, but she makes every attempt possible to move quicker than her brother.

"How are you doing, honey?" She asked me while prying the kids from her legs.

I smiled at her as I picked up Emily from the floor and put her into her high chair. "I am doing amazingly, how are you and Sean doing?"

"We are great; we have something that we need to talk to you about, too. Where is that son of mine?"

"He is out back making the burgers, should be just about done." Just as I said that he came in with a large plate of delicious smelling burgers. I was hoping that I would not have an aversion to meat like I did when I was pregnant with Emily; it really stunk as I love meat.

"Hey Mom, where is Dad?" Declan asked as he placed the burgers onto the table.

She nodded towards the front of the house. "He is on the phone, should be done shortly."

As soon as he was done, he came in and we all sat down at the table.

"So what is this all important pack business that you needed to talk to us about son?" Sean asked.

Declan looked at me and I smiled. "Well it is more personal than pack related, Father. It seems that Sonny and I are expecting another child."

Jillian screamed and jumped out of her chair, pushing it back in the process. This also scared Emily who started to cry. "This is great news, I know that you both want as many kids as possible, I am so happy for you!"

"Congratulations to you both, I know that this child will be just as healthy as D.J. and Emily." Sean said. He seemed a little distant.

I looked over at him, "What is the matter Sean?" I asked him.

"Well, I don't mean to take away from the happiness of this day, but I got a call from the warden of the prison about Sarah."

I was shocked that that name was being brought up, we have not talked about her since she was sent to prison for life about 4 ½ years ago. "What about her?"

Sean took a deep breath before finishing. "From what I was told, she got into a fight with another inmate and got a knife right through the heart. She is dead."

Declan and I both gasped.

I was curious now. "Did he happen to mention who it was that killed her?"

"He said that her name was Mickey." I could not help but laugh, as morbid as it was. The only inmate to try and stand up to me when I was in there was the one that took out the person I hated more than anything else in this world.

"Why are you laughing, Sonny?" Declan asked me.

"I'm sorry; I know that I should not be, I just find it ironic. Mickey is the one that I was telling you about honey. I broke her nose when she tried to start something with me."

He nodded his head, "That is ironic." And then we all agreed to never talk about Sarah again from that point on.

Several months passed by, and we did our best to keep life as calm as possible. Declan was an amazing Alpha, and I truly enjoyed being the Luna of our amazing pack. We had very few problems with our pack members, and very rarely encountered troubles from outside of our community. My pregnancy was progressing well, and I had never been so happy. I had an amazing husband, beautiful children, and a family that had always had my back.

It was a nice autumn night and I let the kids outside to play while I rested. I am now about 8 months pregnant and we know that we are having another boy, William Clayton Casey. We find it very important to keep names going in our family. Declan came out of his office and I handed him a cup of coffee and I grabbed my tea. I proceeded to walk out onto the front porch and take a seat with Declan right next to me.

I giggled as I recalled the scene that we were now recreating. This was the dream that I had many years ago, our kids playing in the front yard, and Declan at my side. This was proof that no matter what happens, dreams can really come true.

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