Chapter Fourteen

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September 23rd.... D-DAY!!!

For the past few days all I have done is sleep, whether in my bed or on the couch in the family room. Being awake meant that I would have to see reminders of Declan and I could not handle that. I knew that I had to go and see the doctor again today for my follow up from being admitted to the hospital and the only thing pushing me to go was getting to see a better picture of D.J.

Jillian insisted on bringing me to the appointment, but I told her that I needed some time alone. I have not had any, even when I was asleep someone was always with me. I appreciated everyone very much, but I needed to be by myself with my thoughts for a while.

The drive to the clinic was quiet and I could not stand the silence. So, I popped in Florence and The Machine and sang at the top of my lungs to every song that played. She always had a way of calming my nerves. The clinic was about a 15 minute drive so I got through about four of her songs. I parked the car and walked in feeling a little bit lighter. The great feeling however did not last long as I walked in and saw several expecting moms with their doting spouse's right next to them.

I registered and took a seat, waiting for my name to be called. Not a single person here was a werewolf. Normally I would not be here either, but the Pack Doctor was helping with a neighboring Pack while their doctor was on maternity leave.

The door opened and a tiny speck of a woman smiled at me. "Mrs. Casey?" I picked up my purse and followed her down a small corridor to a side room. "My name is Brittany, I will be your nurse today. Was your husband not able to make it today?"

This made the last bit of 'good' that I had on the day disappear and I felt the tears inching toward the surface before answering. "He will not be joining me, no."

"I'm sorry dear, did I say something?" She seemed genuinely concerned as she started rubbing my back.

"He went missing, I wish to not talk about it." I let a small smile take over my lips and hide the fact that I was dying a slow death inside.

She gave a look to say she was sorry and nodded her head. We went into a small side room where she weighed me and took my temperature. "Okay Mrs. Casey, please follow me to the room."

"Please call me Sonny." I stated to her very bitterly.

"Sonny then, we are in here." She pointed to another small room that consisted of an examination table, two chairs, a small counter and a doctor's chair. "Here is a gown for you, please undress and put this on. When you are done, go ahead and push the little button on the wall, which will let us know that you are ready."

"Thank you Brittany, and I do apologize if I came off a little brash, I have just been through a lot in the last few days."

She opened the door to walk out and turned back to me. "It's okay Sonny, you're stronger than I would be in your situation."

I nodded to her and she gave me another small smile as she exited. I took off my track pants, t-shirt and undergarments and slipped on the gown, feeling a little over exposed. Pressing the button on the wall, I found myself talking to Declan as if he was right there next to me.

"I hope we can see a good picture of him today. It is not going to look like much, but I know one thing for sure, he is going to look exactly like you. He is one lucky little guy." I was snapped out of my psychotic moment by a knock at the door.

"Are we decent?" I heard the doctor call from the other side of the door.

"I am, come on in." He came in and shook my hand.

"Well Mrs. Casey, you look much better than you did a couple days ago. How have you been holding up?" I wanted to slap the stupid man right in the face. How did he think I was doing? My reason for breathing was missing and most likely dead, how would he be doing if the tables were turned.

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