Chapter Thirteen

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***Present Time***

I could feel the tears welling up again as I retold the tragedy that happened that day. I looked up and noticed that the entire court room was silent, and some people were also tearing up.

'You are doing great Sonny; I am proud of you.' My eyes met my fathers and I could see how proud he was. Any other parent would be ready to kill if their child was on trial for murder.

'I am so tired, thinking about all of this again is killing me dad.'

'Just breathe; it will all be over before you know it.'

  I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I knew that I had to tell the rest of what happened, well almost all of it. I had to leave out everything about us, the pack and the wolves.

"Mrs. Casey? Are you okay?" The judge asked me.

I took a tissue from the box in front of me and dabbed my eyes. "I just need a moment please. May I be excused to use the restroom?" I needed to get out of this room and clear my head for a moment.

"We will take a 10 minute recess." Judge Thomas slammed his gavel and I jumped a little.

I stepped down from the stand and was immediately placed back into handcuffs. Not even needing to pick my head up, I knew that my father was infuriated. He hated seeing his little girl being restrained like some common criminal.

'I'll be here when you come back baby girl, we are not going anywhere.'

I finally looked up and as I did every member of the Crimson Falls and River's Edge Packs that were here bowed their heads and I bowed back to them. I could feel the love of every single one of them. From being the Alpha's daughter, to be their Luna, they all had nothing but respect for me.

I kept my eyes on my father as I was turned and was led from the courtroom into the hallway in the back again. My eyes fell to my stomach and I could not help but smile. This baby was going to be raised to be a great Alpha, even if that meant that I was not going to be the one raising him. I placed my cuffed hands onto my stomach and did not realize that I had stopped walking.

"Keep it going Casey." One of the guards grunted while giving me a slight shove.

I was becoming sick of the lack of respect that I was given by the humans. No, they didn't know I was a Luna of a strong pack, but I still deserved respect. For all they knew, I was just another low life criminal that brutally murdered two men.

"That's Luna Casey to you." I whispered under my breath.

"What was that Casey?" He said as he whipped me around.

"I said I really have to go to the bathroom. My baby is sitting right on my bladder and I am going to burst."

"Hurry your ass up, we don't have all day here." He griped back at me.

We got to the bathroom and he undid my cuffs. "Any funny business and I am coming in there after you."

I let my eyes drop to the floor as I responded. "Yes sir."

Once I was finished relieving myself turned to the sink to wash my hands and noticed my refection in the mirror. My skin was paler than normal, my hair flat, and my eyes seemed completely empty. A heavy bang at the door startled me.

"Let's go Casey; they need you back in there."

"On my way." After a quick splash of cold water on my face, I felt a little more awake and renewed. As if sensing my troubled thoughts, the baby stirred within me. I was due in four weeks and I really did not want to have him in a jail hospital. "Don't worry D.J., I will find a way out of this." I whispered as I rubbed my very large and round stomach.

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