The Biggest Crush

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“Who are you looking for?”  My best friend asks me.

“Nobody.  I’m just looking around making sure everyone is having a good time.  I’m trying to be a good hostess.”  I lie. I’m currently in the middle of having the end of the school year party at my house, though I haven’t been enjoying it much.

“Well it definitely seems like you’re looking for someone.  Maybe a gorgeous, messy haired boy perhaps?”  My best friend asks with a smirk.  She knows exactly what I’m up to.

“He said he’d be here.”  I say, giving into her. 

“You know he’s really busy and he’s barely home.  I’m sure he’ll just be late.”  My friend reassures me.  The whole reason I agreed to throwing the party was so I had an excuse to hangout with Sven.  He’s this guy who used to go to my school until he turned pro.  I had the absolute biggest crush on him, and then he basically disappeared into the snowboarding world.

“Oh my god he’s here.”  I say suddenly as Sven comes into my line of vision.  He looks exactly the same, except cooler now somehow. 

“Where?”  My best friend asks as she scans the room for Sven.  “Ooo I see him.  Ew Lauren got to him.”

“Of course Lauren got to him first.”  I say with a tone of annoyance.  Lauren is one of those girls who only like Sven because he’s a pro snowboarder, not because he’s sweet or funny.  Basically I hate her and now I see her throwing herself at Sven.  This party sucks.

“Go talk to him.  It’s your party.”  My friend says as she pushes me in the direction of Sven.  I want to talk to him, but people are swarming him.  I somehow manage to push my way through the mini crowd that’s surrounding him.

“Hey I’m glad you could make it, Sven.”  I say as I hug him.  Surprisingly he looks happy to see me.

“Thanks for having me, y/n.  Can you show me where your bathroom is?”  Sven asks me instantly. Oh so that’s why he’s happy to see me.  I link arms with Sven and guide him towards bathroom and away from the crowd.

“Here it is.”  I show Sven as we stand outside the bathroom door. 

“I don’t actually need to use the bathroom, I just wanted a place to hide from everyone.”  Sven says with a laugh as he walks into the bathroom.  “Come hide out with me.”

“Ok.”  I say with a smile as I walk into the bathroom with Sven.  He closes the door behind us and then sits on the counter.

“People seem to like me a lot more now than when I went to school with them.” Sven says to me. 

“Except me.  I liked you when you went to school with me.”  I admit.  I’m kinda surprised I’m telling him this.

“Oh yeah?”  Sven questions with a smirk on his face.

“Yeah.  I had the biggest crush on you.  It’s almost embarrassing.”  I say with a little laugh.

“No way. That’s not possible.”  Sven says as he shakes his head at me. 

“Why not?”  I ask.

“Because I had the biggest crush on you.  If you had the biggest crush on me, then you would’ve noticed me having the biggest crush on you.”  Sven tells me.  I laugh because I think he’s joking.

“You did not have a crush on me.”  I say to Sven.  He gives me a look of disbelief.

“I did to.  I was almost failing all my classes, because I’d spend every class period staring at you.  Remember that douchebag history teacher we had?  He actually called my parents and told them I was failing because of a girl named y/n.  I got grounded because of you.”  Sven admits to me.  He’s actually blushing.

“That’s so cute.”  I say with a smile.  Sven stands up from counter and takes a step towards me.  I can hear the party happening outside the bathroom walls, but my full attention is on Sven.

“I wanted to come to your party tonight to see if you still had that crush on you.”  Sven tells me.  Now I’m blushing.

“And?”  I ask.

“I definitely do.”  Sven says as he takes another step closer to me.  He holds my face in is hands and kisses me.  I kiss him back before pulling away slightly.

“Did you plan this?”  I ask Sven.  “Did you plan on kissing me in the bathroom?”

“I was hoping on getting a kiss from you, but no, I had not planned on it happening in the bathroom.  This isn’t very romantic, is it?”  Sven says as we both laugh.

“I don’t know.  I’m ok with it.”  I say to Sven as I go back to kissing him. 

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