Good Parties and Good People

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"This seems really sketchy." I say to my friend Aubrey. She met some guy today who invited us to party in this massive field that's completely surrounded by woods. Seems a little questionable if you ask me. Who would have a party there?

"Oh come on. This going to be awesome. He said they have a DJ and everything. It's legit." Aubrey tells me. I'm still skeptical. Right now we're on some tiny cleared path in the woods. It's supposed to lead to the field, but I feel like we've been walking forever and getting nowhere.

"Are we going the right way?" I wonder out loud.

"Oh my god I hear the music. We must be going the right way." Aubrey says. She's right. I can suddenly hear the booming music as we keep walking. I feel instant relief at this.

"Hey I see lights." I say as I start seeing flashing colored lights at the end of the path. Aubrey stops right before we exit the woods to the field. "What's wrong?"

"The first thing we need to do is go find Stale." Aubrey tells me. She does this a lot. She meets a random boy, and then obsesses over them.

As soon as we walk into the field party, I see like twenty perfect looking guys. I don't know why she'd want to focus on just one boy.

"We're never going to find him." I whisper into Aubrey's ear. We're holding hands as we move through all the people. This field party is like a rave. Tons of people, loud music, and bright lights. A majority of the crowd is surrounding the DJ booth.

"Have a little faith, Y/N." Aubrey replies, but I can see the worry on her face. I wish I could help her search for him. I've only seen him once, and unlike Aubrey, I hadn't memorized his face, height, and bone structure.

"Can't we dance for a while, then go look for your boy?" I ask desperately. Everyone here is dancing and having a great time. I want to be one of those people. Aubrey agrees to dance for a bit, but I can see her still scanning the crowd for Stale.

"AUBREY?" I hear someone yell over the music. It's Stale. I'm actually shocked. He runs up and hugs her. He has a friend with him. "HEY Y/N"

"Hi." I reply to Stale. Aubrey and Stale immediately start dancing, leaving me standing awkwardly with Stale's friend. We kind of just stare at each other for moment. He's decently cute. He looks like a muscular skater boy with bright blue eyes and messy hair. Not knowing what to do, I shrug my shoulders and start dancing with the stranger.

"You're kinda cute." I randomly say to the boy as we dance. Our bodies are pressed together, chest-to-chest, and his face is extremely close to mine. He shyly smiles at my comment, and then kissed me. Hard.

"You're kinda cute." The boy says to me when we eventually part. He then grabs my hand, pulling me out of the crowd. We start kissing again as we stand on the outskirts of the dance floor. As we kiss, he guides me towards the woods. I feel a tree at my back as we continue making out. Now nobody is around us, so I start taking off his shirt. He does the same to me. Things start getting really intense after that.

I don't know how long I've been gone for, but I'm sure Aubrey is freaking out.

"I've gotta go." I say quickly as the boy stands up from the ground and zips up his pants. I throw my shirt over my head and leave to go find Aubrey.

"There you are, y/n. Where have you been?" Aubrey asks. She's no longer with Stale and I wonder how long she's been alone.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I ask, suddenly noticing that she's been crying.

"Yeah. Stale started making out with some stupid girl and...whatever. He's just some dumb boy, right?" Aubrey says as she wipes the tears from her cheeks. I decide now isn't the time to tell her I just hooked up with Stale's friend in the woods.

We leave the party soon after that and head back to our hotel room. I think this night was too crazy for the both of us.

"Umm y/n, there's a note here for you. Who would write you a note?" Aubrey asks in the morning. Someone had shoved an envelope under our hotel door with my name on the front.

"I'm not sure." I answer as I take the letter from Aubrey's hand. I open it up and it reads:


I never caught your name last night, but thankfully Stale knew it. You ran off before I had a chance to spend any real time with you, but I'd like to change that. If you have any interest in seeing me again or talking at all, please meet me in the hotel lobby for breakfast.


Sven Thorgren {the guy from that party}

p.s. I really hope you come meet me

ps.s. You're kinda cute

I'm smiling as I read the note. Aubrey may hate Stale right now, but I'm so thankful for him at this moment. I never thought I'd see that guy again, but now I have a chance to straighten things out.

"Umm I have to go somewhere right now. I'll be back soon, though." I say as I get dressed to go meet Sven. I see him the moment I enter the lobby. His blue eyes and unruly hair are unforgettable. He's sitting at a two-person table with a bouquet of flowers resting on the table.

"Hi." I say as I sit down across from Sven. He looks surprised to see me, but happy at the same time.

"Hey." He says cheerfully. "I was hoping you'd show. Oh, these are for you."

"Thank you." I say as I take the flowers from him. "About last night, I know this is cliché to say, but I never usually do that kind of thing."

"I don't either. Like ever." Sven tells me. His cheeks start turning red. "Just so you know, you weren't some random girl for me. Please don't think I'm creepy, but I saw you the moment you walked into the party. You were the only person I could focus on. When Stale told me he knew you, I couldn't believe it. Things probably went too fast last night, but I'd like to maybe start over. Do things proper."

"How so?" I ask with a smile. This is easily the sweetest thing a boy has ever said to me. Plus he's a cute boy, which only makes this all the better.

"Would you go out with me tonight? Like on a date?" Sven asks, his cheeks turning even redder.

"I'd love to." I reply, unable to hide the smile on my face.

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