Meeting The Family

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I sit quietly at the dinner table. It's loud enough as is without me adding to the fire. Sven told me that he and his brothers can get wild, but I had no idea.

"It's nice that we could finally meet you, y/n." Mrs. Thorgren yells over the noise of her sons.

"Yeah I'm so happy that we got to do this." I reply.

"I don't know why it took Sven so long to bring you around." Mrs. Thorgren says while giving Sven a questionable look.

"I didn't want her to come meet all you crazy people and be scared away." Sven says as he throws a piece of bread at his brother across the table. Mrs. Thorgren's attention is averted as one of her sons spills his water all over the dining room table. Sven takes this time to put his hand on my inner thigh. I quickly move it off before any of his family members notice, but he puts his hand back as soon as I move it away.

"What are you doing?" I mouth to Sven as my cheeks turn a light shade of red. He has a sneaky smirk on his face. I know exactly what he's doing.

"I'm going to go start the dishes." Mrs. Thorgren says as she starts clearing plates off the table.

"I'll help!" I say urgently so I can get Sven's hand off me. I get up instantly from the table and leave Sven sitting with a pouty look on his face. Normally I would love having Sven's hand on my leg, but not with his entire family present.

"You're so sweet, y/n." Mrs. Thorgren replies.

"No. Y/n's the guest. Have the boys help with the dishes." Sven adds, as I'm about to leave the dining room.

"Screw you, Sven!" One of his brothers shouts.

"Sven is right. Y/n, sweetheart, you can go hangout with Sven and I'll get the boys to do this." Mrs. Thorgren says. I look to Sven instantly. His sneaky smirk is back.

Sven holds my hand as we walk into the living room. It's just us two, but everyone else is only a room away and we can hear them bickering from where we sit.

"Thanks for coming tonight. I know my family can be...a bit much. You've been a trooper." Sven says to me as we sit down on the couch. I sit close to him, but not too close.

"Of course. I love them. They're crazy, but in a good way." I tell Sven. He inches closer to me and I scooch further down the couch away from him. "I know what you're doing, Sven."

"What? I just want to be close to you." Sven says as he moves his lips towards my neck. I try sliding further away from him, but I'm running out of couch. Not to mention he looks so cute right now. He's all dressed up, but his hair is still messy like usual. If he keeps doing this, I don't if I can keep resiting him. I want to kiss him.

"Your family is literally in the next room." I say, but Sven doesn't seem to care. His lips reach my neck as his hands hit my waist. I should fight him off, but I don't really want to. I put my hands on his face and move it up until it meets mine. Our lips collide instantly and before we know it, we're in a full on make out. I forget where I am as Sven's body lies on top of mine on the couch.

"GET IT, SVEN!" His brother yells as soon as he enters the room. I shove Sven off me as instinct. I look up to see all his brothers cracking up at us.

"She's a keeper, Sven!" One of Sven's other brothers adds.

"Shut up, guys." Sven says quietly. He's embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. We'll let you two continue. Maybe next time maybe Mom will walk in and see you guys." Sven's brother says jokingly. I'm too horrified to laugh. As soon as his brothers leave the room, Sven turns towards me.

"I'm so so so sorry, y/n." Sven says apologetically.

"It's my fault too. I kissed you back." I reply as I run my fingers through my hair. I don't want make out hair.

"No. You tried to get me to stop. I knew better, but you look so beautiful tonight." Sven says.

"You're just trying to flatter me. I accept your apology. Now keep your hands to yourself for the rest of the night." I order him. He nods and then attempts to pull me into a hug. I put my hand on his chest and push Sven away. "You're already breaking my rule."

"Sorry." Sven mumbles as his mother and brothers walk into the room.

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