Spin The Bottle

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"Long time, no see." Sven says as he gives me a hug. I'm happy to see him. It's been a while. I've met him at a bunch of Mark's competition, but don't get to see him often. He's a pretty cool guy and he's a cutie.

"I've missed you, Sven." I say to him. I don't know how he managed to find me in the craziness of the party, but I'm glad he did. A McMorris party is always wild and it's nearly impossible to find anyone amongst the crowd of people. Sven had texted me earlier this morning saying he'd be here, but I didn't think he's be able to find me so early in the party.

"You have? I missed you, too. A lot actually." Sven sort of mumbles.

"I need a refill on my drink, wanna come?" I ask Sven. He agrees. I grab his hand so I don't lose him as we shift through the partygoers. I stumble over some guy's foot, but Sven's arms reach out to keep me balanced.

"Maybe you've already had too much to drink." Sven jokes. I give him a playful dirty look, and then we continue to the bar area.

"I think I'm going to need a lot of drinks to keep up these people." I say, motioning towards all the party people. It's still early and this place is already a madhouse.

"Isn't it like a rule that you have to get raging drunk at a McMorris party?" Sven asks with a smile.

"I think you're right." I reply as I cheer with Sven. A couple drinks later and I'm sufficiently drunk. So is Sven. He hasn't strayed from my side and I'm incredibly thankful. He's a fun drinking buddy. I take his snapback off his head and put it on mine. Typical drunk girl move.

"Hey I've got horrible hat hair." Sven slurs. He's right. His hair is shooting off in all different directions. I giggle at him.

"Aw I'm sorry, Svenny. I'll fix it." I lean a little closer to him and run my fingers through his hair to smooth it down. "There we go. You're cute again."

"Why thank you. I like you in my hat." Sven says as he puts his hands in his pockets. I'm not sure if it's my drunkenness, but Sven is looking super hot right now.

"SVEN AND Y/N COME PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE" Craig yells from the other side of the room. Sven's eyes grow wide at the request. I shrug my shoulders and we go to play spin the bottle. This may seem like a very childish thing to do, but it's a McMorris party, so it's expected.

A few people spin the bottle. I have no idea who they are, but everyone always cheers when the people kiss. Mark spins and it lands on me. He's one of my best friends so we peck lips like it's no big deal. Everyone cheers...except Sven. Now it's my spin. The bottle lands on the person directly to the right of me. Sven. I turn to kiss him. I lean in and he meets to kiss me. Normally these kisses are quick, but the boy sticks his damn tongue in my mouth. I allow it for a moment before pulling back. The onlookers are too drunk to notice and cheer like normal, but I look at Sven in complete shock. He won't look at me, though. He's got a small smirk on his face, which makes me kind of pissed off.

"I'm bored of this." I lie, getting up from the circle. Mostly I just want to yell at Sven for being too aggressive during an innocent game, but I decide that removing myself from the situation might be better. I walk into the kitchen when someone tugs on my arm and pulls me into the pantry, closing the door behind us. The pantry is complete dark, so I have no way of telling who my kidnapper is.

"Umm who are you?" I ask shyly.

"It's me...Sven." Sven replies.

"Why did you use tongue?" I ask without thinking. All those drinks I've had made me bolder than usual.

"Oh you noticed that?" Sven asks, his voice becoming smaller.

"How could I not notice that? And is there a light in this place?" I ask as I fumble around the pantry trying to find a light switch. Sven finds the switch before me. The light is bit shocking at first, but when my eyes focus I see a red faced Sven standing in front of me. He almost looks nervous.

"I know that kiss wasn't very romantic, but I just really wanted to kiss you." Sven admits.

"You did?" I ask because I'd like him to continue to talk about how he wanted to kiss me. It's a good ego boost.

"Yeah. For like a looooong time now. Like since I've met you." Sven tells me. I've known Sven for years, so it really has been a long time. "You're like the coolest girl I know, y/n."

"Awww" Is all I manage to say.

"Do you think I could try that kiss again? Maybe make it more romantic this time?" Sven asks.

"Well we are in a pantry. What's more romantic than that?" I say sarcastically. He just laughs and kisses me. I'm pushed awkwardly against the shelves of the pantry, but it's surprisingly romantic. Or at least it seems romantic. I'm so into the kiss that I almost forget I'm even in a pantry.

"Will you still like me when you're sober?" Sven asks as we separate for air.

"Will you?" I retort.

"Y/n, I've liked you for years. Both sober and drunk, you're the girl I want." Sven says. He's so sweet that I can't help but kiss him.

"And yes, I'll still like you when I'm sober." I tell Sven after I kiss him. The adorable Sven smile fills his face, which only makes me want to kiss him again. I expected a lot of crazy things to happen tonight, but I never expected this.

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