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I sit quietly at the gate. Sven sits next to me playing some game on his phone. As our time to board the plane gets closer, the more nervous I get. I don't say a thing about my fear of flying to Sven, but it's getting harder to hide it.

"Aw babe you're shaking." Sven says to me as he puts his hand on my thigh. I shake my head no, but he's not oblivious. "Babe, talk to me."

"I'm fine." I barely choke out. I thought I'd be fine, but I really don't think I can do this.

"I know you well enough to know you're not fine. Please tell me what's wrong, y/n." Sven says calmly. He moves closer so that he can read my facial expression.

"I'm terrified of flying." I finally admit. He wraps his arm around me in comfort and I practically collapse into his arms.

"Awww, babe. Why didn't you tell me?" Sven asks as he strokes my hair. I hold tightly onto him and attempt not to cry.

"You asked me to come with you. You've never asked me to travel with you before. It's a big deal for our relationship and I didn't want to let the moment pass." I tell Sven. A few weeks ago Sven asked me to join him for the Burton High Fives. I was shocked because Sven has never asked me to go on a work trip with him and I've always wanted to go. I've been preparing myself ever since for the long plane ride. I keep telling myself I'll be fine because I'm with Sven, but apparently I didn't prepare myself enough.

"I had no idea flying scared you so much, y/n. I would never ask you to do anything that scares this much, but I must say I'm so glad you're here. Whenever I get on a plane and it takes me away from you, I get in this mood. It's this horrible mood that takes me days to shake. I refuse to talk to anybody and the only person I want to talk to is you. I always spend the entire flight listening to songs that remind me of you. I spend the entire ride wondering what you're doing and thinking how much happier I'd be if I would've just stayed in bed with you. But this time I won't get that way, because I get to spend this time with you under my arm. And after my contest, I'll get to run and kiss you. Every night I'll get to keep you close. Everyday I'll get to see your face. I know it sounds selfish, but I'm just so happy you're here with me." Sven tells me quietly.

"Really?" I say as I hold back tears. He's never told me any of this before.

"Yes, really. But if you can't do this, I understand. We can run away now. We don't have to get on this plane. We can go home and stay curled up in bed all weekend. I'll be happy either way because I'm with you." Sven says into my ear. Something in the tone of his voice tells me he means every word he's saying.

"But what about your contest?" I ask. As much as I'd love to just go home, I can't let Sven miss the Burton High Fives.

"You're more important, y/n. There will be other contests. I just want you to be okay." Sven says as he squeezes me a little tighter.

"I want to go. I want to get on that plane. Just promise you'll hold my hand the entire flight." I tell Sven.

"You're crazy if you think I'd ever let go." Sven replies as he takes my hand into his. Suddenly the idea flying seems less horrifying.

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