Too Short

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I watch as Sven stares at himself in the mirror. He's shirtless and in a pair of old sweatpants. His hair is messy and pointing in all different directions, but it still manages to look perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask Sven as I lie in his bed. He stops focusing on the mirror and turns to me.

"Nothing." Sven says as he suddenly tries to look busy by rummaging through his drawer.

"Are you alright, babe?" I ask. Something seems off with him.

"Yeah. I'm good." He says too quickly.

"Come here." I tell Sven as I hold out my arms towards him. He resists for a moment, but then caves. He crawls onto the bed and into my arms. I run my fingers through his hair as we speak. "What's going on with you?"

"Why are you with me?" Sven asks quietly. He won't look me in the eye.

"Umm what? Is this a serious question?" I ask in return. I can't believe he would ask this.

"Never mind." Sven says under his breath. "It's just...I don't understand why you're dating me."

"Sven, I'm in love with you. Like ridiculously in love with you and you know that." I tell him as I continue playing with his hair.

"But why? You're perfect. You're gorgeous and brilliant and could literally get any guy you wanted, but you settled with me." Sven says as he lays his head on my lap.

"I didn't settle with you, babe. I'm lucky to have you in my life. Where is this coming from?" I ask Sven.

"I'm short. I'm so fucking short. Don't you want a boyfriend who's like big and manly? Not some guy who's the same height as a twelve year old?" Sven replies. I'm completely shocked by this. Sven has never mentioned his height before. He's not even short, he's just not tall.

"Look at me." I say to Sven as put his face in my hands. He looks up at me with his tired blue eyes. "I find you so incredibly attractive. From the moment I saw you I knew I wanted you with your messy hair and perfect abs. And please don't get me started on your lips or your eyes or your adorable nose. You're the most handsome boy I know and I don't care that you're not 6 foot 5."

"Do you really think that?" Sven asks as he tries to contain his smile. "You don't some tall guy instead?"

"No I just want you. I don't only love you because you're this gorgeous guy. You're also a sweetheart and a badass at the same time. You're this sexy, sweet, badass and I don't want anyone else." I tell Sven as I kiss his forehead.

"I love you, y/n." Sven says as he begins to sit up from my lap.

"I love you, too." I reply as Sven moves his face closer to mine.

"Thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend any guy could ask for." Sven says to me as he places one hand on my cheek and pulls me into a kiss.

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