Good To Know

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"Guys, this is y/n." Sven says to his high school friends. I've heard loads about them, but I don't think they've heard a thing about me. I've known Sven for a year now, but I've never been to his hometown before.

"Is this your girlfriend?" One of Sven's (very hot) friends asks as he shakes my hand.

"Girlfriend? No. Nope. We're just really good friends." Sven says casually. I want to roll my eyes, but I resist. Sven and I were just really good friends, until he kissed me a few weeks ago. Now we make out whenever nobody is looking, which is fine. I was never expecting a commitment from him or anything, but we're obviously more than just friends.

"Good to know. I'm Chris." The hot friend says to me. He's tall with gorgeous eyes.

"Nice to meet you." I reply as I stare at his perfect face.

"How about we go get you a drink?" Chris asks me. I nod instantly, because he's hot and I have no reason to say no.

"Hey! You're ditching me?" Sven says as I begin to walk away.

"Everyone here is your friend. You don't need me." I counter with a shrug. I can't tell if Sven's upset or not and I don't really care either way.

"Sven always knows the prettiest girls." Chris says to me as hands a beer. I blush slightly. "I can't believe you guys aren't dating."

"Yeah we're just friends." I remind Chris. I want Chris to know I'm single.

"I know and I'm surprised. Sven never brings a girl home unless he's like madly in love with her. I guess I just assumed you were his new girl." Chris tells me. Sven had told me that he had only ever brought one girl home and that was about two years ago. The relationship had ended badly and he hasn't brought a girl home since, but I'm not girlfriend. I'm his friend. So this is different.

"Yeah I'm definitely not his new girl." I say as I take a sip of my beer. Chris smiles at me.

"I'm glad you're not." Chris replies. "Wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure." I answer. I know what this 'walk' implies. I walk with Chris outside the party. He wraps his jacket around my shoulders. We barely make it to the sidewalk when Sven comes running out of the party.

"Where are you guys going?" Sven asks us. Chris looks to me to answer.

"We're just going on a little walk. We'll be right back." I tell Sven without much thought.

"Wait I need to talk you first, y/n." Sven says. I toss my head back in frustration.

"Just give me a second." I whisper to Chris. I make my way to Sven as quickly as possible. "What's up?"

"I don't like him." Sven says in my ear so Chris can't hear our conversation.

"He's your friend, Sven." I remind him. Sven seemed to like Chris 15 minutes ago.

"So? He's still a jerk. Just come back into the party and ignore him." Sven says urgently.

"I'll be fine. I'll only be gone for a few minutes." I tell Sven, but he won't drop the subject.

"I don't want you to go with him." He says quietly.

"Why? It's not a big deal." I respond. Sven pauses for a moment.

"If you go with him, then he'll kiss you. I don't want him to kiss you." Sven admits.

"And why not?" I ask. Sven isn't the jealous type, so I know that can't be the reason.

"Because...I know why. I like you. I don't want you kissing other dudes and I don't want you wearing their jackets. Like you should be wearing my jacket right now." Sven says as he fidgets awkwardly in front of me.

"Is this a joke?" I ask Sven in complete shock. "You literally just told everybody that we're only friends. All of a sudden you want to change that?"

"Not all of a sudden. You know I've liked you for a while. I kissed you like 3 weeks ago." Sven tells me. I'm so wrapped up in this conversation that I've almost completely forgotten about Chris.

"Are you coming?" Chris asks from the sidewalk.

"One sec!" I shout back at him.

"Stay here with me." Sven pleads.

"If you like me so much, then why did you say you just wanna be friends?" I ask Sven. His jealously has really caught me off guard.

"I didn't want you to know just how much I like you, so I've been trying to take things slow...which clearly has backfired." Sven says.

"You should've just told me how you felt." I say.

"Yeah. I see that now. I was being stupid, but I'm telling you now. Please don't leave with him." Sven adds.

"Well I like you too." I admit to Sven. His face lights up a bit.

"Really?" He replies. He has a smile on his face now.

"Well duh. Why else would I come here to meet all your friends and family?" I say. "Plus I love making out with you."

"We can go make out right now if you want." Sven says with guilty smirk on his face.

"Okay! Just let me talk to Chris real quick." I tell him.

"Yeah tell him to fuck off." Sven says. I shove him gently.

"Oh my god I'm not saying that to him." I whisper to Sven before turning my attention towards Chris. "Umm Chris...I'm going to have to pass on that walk. Thanks for the offer though."

"Ohh...okay..." Chris replies with a confused expression. I feel a little bad about the whole thing. Sven grabs my hand and pulls me back into the party before Chris can say another thing.

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