Drunken Dance Celebrations

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"Wow." Sven says to me as I walk out of the bathroom. It's the end of the snowboarding season and I'm going to go celebrate with all the boarder boys. I've got on a tiny black dress, too much makeup, and my hair perfectly curls. I'm not usually this girly looking, but I figured for tonight I'd get all dressed up.

"Too much?" I ask Sven. He's eyeing me up and down. I do the same to him. He looks hot. I'm used to him snowboarding gear, but he looks even better in dress pants and a button up shirt. His hair is just as unruly as always, which makes him even cuter.

"You're perfect." Sven says. He comes over to me and gently pushes me against the wall.

"I think you're perfect." I respond while running my fingers through his beautifully wild hair. His blue eyes meet mine before he kisses me. I feel his hands run up and down my side. The kiss starts getting intense, when I'm forced to stop us. "We have to go, Sven."

"But I just want to stay here with you." He pouts with a frown on his face. Right now I just want to stay here with him, but we can't miss out on the end of the season celebration.

"If we go to the party then we can get drunk and dance around, then come back and do this." I try explaining to Sven.

"As long as you promise we can come back and do this." Sven demands, still with a pouty look on his face. I promise and give him a kiss on the cheek.


The celebration seems to have already started before we arrived. The place is dark and crowded with music booming from the speakers. I hold on tight to Sven's hand as he guides us through the crowd towards his friends. A bunch of his close snowboarder friends are sitting in a corner table. The table is covered in shot glasses, champagne glasses, and bottles of vodka.

"You guys have some catching up to do." Stale says to us as we reach the table. He doesn't have to tell us twice. Sven and I take two shots each, and then start sipping on something else. I sit on Sven's lap, while he talks with the guys.

"I want to dance." I whisper in Sven's ear. When I'm drunk, I love to dance. It's a fact. Happens every time.

"Give me a couple minutes." Sven responds. He's in the middle of a drunken conversation with some of the guys. I take another shot then head out to the dance floor alone. Sven doesn't stop me. I start dancing alone, which I don't mind, mostly because I'm drunk.

"Where's the boyfriend?" Someone whispers in my ear. I turn to see who the voice belongs to.

"Hi, Torstein." I say once I realize who whispered to me. I hug him, and then get back to dancing. Torstein starts dancing with me. I've known him for a long time and he's a cool guy. A slower song starts to play and Torstein reaches for my waist so that we are chest to chest. I put my arms around his neck. His hands trace my back as we dance. Torstein nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Back the fuck off, Torstein." Sven says sternly. I hadn't noticed him walk up. He's not yelling, but he is clearly pissed off.

"Dude, we were just dancing." Torstein says, not taking his hands off me.

"She has a boyfriend and you know that." Sven replies, pulling my arm, separating me from Torstein.

"I wasn't making a move on her." Torstein tries to explain, but Sven ignores him and takes me off the dance floor.

"What the hell was that?" Sven asks. Sven is rarely ever mad, so I'm not really sure how to handle this.

"We were dancing." I slur. Sven runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Babe, chill."

"Chill? Seriously? You're the prettiest girl here, y/n. Every guy here probably wants you and Torstein was getting a little too close." Sven says. His jealousy makes me smile, which only seems to upset him more.

"You're so cute when you're jealous." I tell him. "We were just dancing though. Seriously."

"I know. You just should've been dancing with me." Sven says.

"I asked you, but you said no." I say childishly. We're two drunken people attempting to have a serious conversation. It's not really working.

"Yeah I fucked up on that one." Sven admits. "Still want to dance?"

"Nah. I'd rather we go back to the hotel room." I tell him. The biggest smile crosses Sven's face. This must make him so happy because he kisses me right then and there. "So is that a yes?"

"Absolutely yes. I don't know what I did to get such an amazing girlfriend." Sven says. Hearing him say this makes me happy, so this time I kiss him.

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