Welcome to Whistler

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"Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here. Please don't come over here." I repeat quietly to myself as I sit in the snow. I just wiped out...big time. This is what I get for trying to be a showoff. I've seen this cute boy everywhere today and I saw him watching me, so I tried to pull off a tough trick. Normally I can handle it, but I didn't have the speed I needed. So now I sit crashed out in the middle of the slope praying the hot guy didn't see a thing.

"You alright?" The cute boy asks me as he sticks his hand out to help me up. I take it graciously.

"Yeah. I'm good. Thanks." I reply while I brush the snow off of myself.

"Is this your first time to Whistler? I'm sure I would've noticed you before." The boy says with the cutest little smirk.

"Yupp. My first time. I've always wanted to ride here. It's amazing." I tell the boy.

"Well, since it's your first time here, I think maybe we should get dinner tonight. You know, as a proper welcome to Whistler." The boy says with the smirk still present on his face.

"Well if that's the proper way to welcome newbies to Whislter, then yes I'd love to get dinner with you." I tell the boy. His smirk turns into a complete smile, which makes me smile.

"Good. I'm Sven." The cutie tells me as we shake hands. "Wanna meet at the lodge restaurant at 7pm?"

"Sounds great. I'm y/n." I reply.

"Okay then it's a date, y/n." Sven says before cruising off down the slope.

I wait extremely impatiently for 7pm to come. I don't know what it is, but I've been dying to see Sven again. I know nothing about him, but for some reason I want to know everything about him. It's hard to explain, but I like him.

"You look stunning, y/n." Sven says as I meet him outside the restaurant. He eyes me up and down and I suddenly feel self-conscious. I'm not underdressed in anyway, but I also could have tried harder.

"So do you." I reply honestly, because he looks incredibly handsome. How can someone look so flawless in jeans and a t-shirt? His messy hair somehow falls perfectly and I can't help but want to run my fingers through it.

"Shall we?" Sven says as he takes my hand and walks me into the restaurant.

I can hardly focus on the menu as I stare at Sven. How did I not notice his blue eyes before?

"What are you going to order?" Sven asks, which forces me to regain focus.

"Oh umm I don't know. Chicken maybe. What about you?" I ask as I finally take a look at the menu. Sven doesn't answer. I look back at him and notice he's staring right at mewith his gorgeous blue eyes. Once I look at him, he nervously looks back down at his menu. The entire dinner continues like this. It consists of us stealing glances at each other, while hoping the other doesn't catch on.

"I had a really good time." I tell Sven as we reach my hotel room door. He holds tightly onto my hand and I never want him to let go. I want to kiss him so badly, but I'm not that bold.

"I did too. I'd love to see you again, y/n. What are you doing tomorrow?" Sven asks while still holding my hand. I move slightly closer to him as a hint that I want him to kiss me.

"Snowboarding." I say simply. He lets out a small laugh.

"You know what? I don't think I want to wait until tomorrow to see you." Sven says as his hands reach my face, pulling me into his lips. I kiss him back without hesitation. I fumble around my pockets while kissing him in search of my room key. I somehow manage to get the door open. It must have been some sort of magic since I never stopped kissing Sven in the process.

"I can go if you want." Sven says once we finally separate. I pull his shirt off over his head before he can make another move. "Does this mean you want me to stay?"

"I want you to stay." I tell him as I wrap arms around his neck and pull him back into a kiss. He scoops me up so that my legs surround his waist. He carries me over to the bed and lies us down while we kiss.

"Is this how you usually welcome people to Whistler?" I ask Sven as he places his lips on my neck. I can feel him laugh.

"This is a very unusual welcome party, but I have to say it's been my favorite so far." Sven tells me as he moves up my neck and back to my lips. I must say, I'm so glad I came to Whistler.

Sven Thorgren ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ