Prologue: Unhappiness

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"JIMMY" I scream as the nurse and Chloe rush me to the nearest room.

"Ms. Carswell, please calm down. Your brother is about to be in surgery, we will do everything we can to save him." I scream louder as I won't take any other answer than seeing him. I won't let him die, I just wont.

"Haley, Jimmy is going to make it I promise." Chloe says grabbing my shoulder, I wriggle free and run down the hall to where Max went. I stumble and catch myself as I keep looking. I then see the familiar grey hoodie of our Max Caufield. "MAX!!" I run into her and hug her. "Please tell me Jimmy is okay?" She looks down and sniffles.

"They said there's a 10% chance he will make it. The bullet shredded his stomach and intestines. It'll take a miracle. But we can't lose hope." I look inside as I see them using the pads on him.


No, no no no no no no no!!!!! He can't be gone.

"NO DAMMIT. COME ON SON. WE NEED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION NOW, HELP ME CLOSE THIS WOUND." They all move in the way as Jimmy is laying on the table.... lifeless.

"NOOOOOOOOO" I scream loud as Max covers her ears and Chloe pulls me into a hug and muffles my screams. Not my brother. Not after all he did for me to save me... I fight and fight but Chloe won't let me go. She keeps me pressed in and rubs my head as I cave and hug her back. My brothers dead.... and I never got to say goodbye or thank you. I feel faint and then nothing.

"Haley, wake up." Chloe nudges me a little. "Come on sleeping Beauty wake up. You've been out for like 4 days." I slowly open my eyes and notice I'm in a hospital bed. It wasn't a dream..

"Chloe is Jimmy?...." She looks down and I look over and see Max reading a magazine. "Max is Jimmy really dead?" Tears come to my eyes as I realize what happened and then I hear a familiar voice.

"Haley, I can hear you all the way on the other side of the hospital."

"JIMMY!!!" I look up expecting him to be standing but he's in a wheelchair.... a painful sight to me. "Oh Jimmy...." I get out of bed and walk over to him, and collapse. "Jimmy im so sorry this happened to you.... if I wouldn't have been so weak...." He pulls me up and hugs me.

"Haley, I'd rather be in this wheelchair than know my sister was taken from me forever. This is a blessing to me, since you've been out. I'm not going to be in this wheelchair forever." I start crying more as I'm so relieved.

"I thought you were dead.... I honestly thought we lost you." .

"You did, but somehow I got brought back. I saw this white light and a voice saying it's not my time just yet. I swear it was Grandma's voice." I hug him tighter. "Haley, I'm still sore take it easy." I let go and just look at him. His lip is stitched up from where Dad ripped his rings out and his nose is fixed.

"I'm just so happy to see you." I hug him again and then get back in my bed. A male nurse comes in to check on me. "GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!!! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." I scream at him and throw my pillow at him. "GET OUT OF HERE." I hate the sight of men now.... I can't stand to be around since what happened happened.... Jimmy is the only exception. He leaves as a female nurse comes in and asks what's wrong. "I got raped okay? I can't stand the sight of another man just yet, but Jimmy is an exception I wouldn't be alive or here right now without him." He blushes and looks down. "I want a female nurse on, and a female doctor at that." The nurse nods and makes a note on my board.

"Mr. Carswell, we need to give you your medicine."

"Fuck medicine yo, I'm fine." He goes to stand up and collapses instantly. Max runs over to him and helps him up. "Jimmy you've gotta take it easy. You don't want to bust your stitches open." He lifts his shirt up and I see a gory sight.... where the hole was, he has a skin graft over it and it's stitched up tightly. I clasp my hands to my mouth.

"Oh jimmy...." He looks at me and gives me that stupid smirk he does when he does something stupid. "Alright Mr. Carswell let's head back to your room." The nurse wheels him out and Max follows. Chloe looks at me and grabs my hand. "It's okay Haley, he's fine." I pull my hand away,

"Chloe Elizabeth, that was not a thing to joke about..." I cross my arms and look at at the TV. She laughs as she grabs my hand again. "Babe, that was his idea." I look at her and realize that is a 'Jimmy' thing to do.

"I'll kill him later for that but right now, get up here and cuddle with me." She climbs in the bed with me and we cuddle as I turn the TV to the travel channel and check out what's on it. Chloe kisses my head and lays her head on mine.

"You owe me a new beanie by the way, Haley Nicole." I stick my tongue out at her as she kisses me off guard. I missed this so much while I was asleep...

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