Chapter 17: People=Shit

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Jimmy's POV:

I wake up and stretch my arms and accidentally smack Max in the face.  "Oh shit, sorry babe." She isn't even phased.  "Max?"  I shake her a little and she snored louder.  I smirk and get dressed and head downstairs.  Nobody is awake yet.  I look at my phone and see its 9 am....  the fuck am I doing up so early for?  I grab my keys and go out for a bit.  I want to go check out this new coffee place.  'Beans Express'  sounds sort of like a Mexican restaurant.  I get in my car and head over there.  I get out and walk inside to see Kylie ordering a latte. 

"Hey baby." She hugs me and smiles.  "I haven't seen my adopted son in forever how you been?"

"I've been better, if you see Luke before I do, can you let him know to text me?  We are all getting piercings, I want him to come too if he wants."  I tell her, she looks at me like a concerned mom.

"Why are you getting a piercing? And where?" 

"Snake bites, bottom lip.  Haley hasn't made up her mind yet, Chloe is getting her eyebrow pierced and Max is getting an industrial bar." 

"You better not."  She smiles and hugs me.  "I've gotta head to work, I'll tell Bill and Luke you said hi."  I wave her off as I am about to order I hear a familiar voice.... a voice I never wanted to hear again.... 

"So anyway, this dude was totally asking for it.  He owed me 2 grand, had my old vaping mod and took my friends wallet so I had to beat his ass."  The horrible, inhumane voice of Derek spoke.  I look over and he's wearing a Jean vest with metal band patches, skinny jeans and boots.  I get so pissed off just hearing his voice again and I quickly calm down.

It's okay jimmy, he's not talking to you, he's just enjoying his morning like you are. Don't start anything. 

"Uh yeah, can I get a peppermint mocha with 8 shots of espresso and a pump of carmel?"  I say as I order and I should have known to just walk out. 

"Sure thing sir that'll be $7.55 cash or card?"

"Oh, card please." I swipe my card and stick it back in my wallet as I feel a strong arm grasp my shoulder.

"Well well, Jimmy Carswell, I haven't seen you in a hot minute, what's up bro?" Dereks voice bores into my skull like a cement drill.

"First off, im not your fucking 'bro' second, get your filthy hands off of me, and third, who the fuck gives you the right to talk to me after what you did?  Back off before I get mean."  My phone vibrates but I don't dare look away.  Our eyes are locked.  Since I've moved out of here I've become colder, my stare isn't faltered by anything anymore.  Derek keeps maintaining as the barista hands me my coffee. 

"Here you go sir, have a nice day."  I take my coffee and leave.  I get in my car and speed off back home doing around 120 a 10 minute trip took me almost 3.  I slam my door which makes my windows rattle.  I down the coffee and walk inside the house.  Haley is chilling on the couch scrolling through facebook. 

"Where'd you go? I got up right after you did."  She looks at me and sees I'm mad.  "Who pissed you off?  I haven't seen you this mad in a while."

"Ran into Derek at the coffee shop.... motherfucker had the audacity to fucking touch me and call me 'bro'  he's lucky I didn't rip his fucking lungs out." 

"Jimmy, ripping people's lungs out is not an acceptable form of combat in this country." 

"I don't care, is Max or Chloe up?  I wanna hurry up and get this stuff done."

Torn Halfway Apart (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن