Chapter 5: A Familiar Face

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Jimmy's POV:

"Last day of Blackwell. Let's make this the best fucking day!!!! Tonight after graduation it's the big fucking party. I am going to rock that shit. I can finally walk without my crutch!!!" I say as I'm skipping along doing circles around Haley and Max. "I have my guitar at the warehouse already, everyone is going to be there and I'm getting wasted, hella wasted." I say that and realize, "Goddammit Chloe, now I'm using her terms." Max and Haley laugh as I keep skipping.

"You know Jimmy, if you continue skipping people might think you are high." Haley says as she laughs at her own joke.

"And if you keep staying that small, people may mistake you for a leprechaun and want to know where your gold is." Haley glares at me as I run to our third period class. I hear Max laughing and asking Haley a question as I'm running away.

"Teach me how to do that? Mine don't seem to work, he thinks they are cute."

"You have to smack him around a few times. He will get the message." Haley says, Max sighs.

"I cant hit him though, I can't hurt anyone it's just not in me." She says as I see her smile at me. "He's just so nice and sweet, I don't see how anyone could hurt him. He just wants everyone to be happy."

"Everyone but himself, sometimes he puts all of us ahead of himself, which don't get me wrong, I love about him, but sometimes he needs to worry about himself. He's been smoking a lot more since he quit chewing and he's been more depressed lately. Do you know what's up with that?"

Haley's POV:

"Everyone but himself, sometimes he puts all of us ahead of himself, which don't get me wrong, I love about him, but sometimes he needs to worry about himself. He's been smoking a lot more since he quit chewing and he's been more depressed lately. Do you know what's up with that?" I ask as Max keeps looking forward.

"Honestly no, he won't talk about Rachel, or you, or anything. I'm afraid he thinks I'm going to leave if he talks about it. We've technically been together since January but we just became 'Official'" She uses air quotes for official, "at the beginning of the week. Warren is jealous as shit about him, but I made Jimmy promise to be civil with him. I would kill them.both if they fought over me. But I need help on getting him to talk." Max says, I feel her concern greatly.

"After the party tonight, why don't you spend the night at the apartment with us. When he drinks he loosens up and talks about pretty much anything and everything. He gets some shots of Fireball in him he will be okay." I say grabbing Max's shoulder, it feels weird because she is like an inch taller than me.

"If you say so Haley, but I don't want to do anything with him if he's drunk. I love him, don't get me wrong but I don't want to force him to talk if he's intoxicated. It'll feel like I'm using that to get information, I want him to be open and honest with me." Max says as she looks down.

"Max, don't even ask, if he drinks and he brings it up, BAM you didn't force anything out of him. But maybe I can try something, he'll talk to me about it. Then I can direct his attention to you. I mean you are his girlfriend now." I smile and Max returns it.

"I guess so, alright the bell is about to ring, see you in Jeffersons class!" Max runs off and I head to third period. Ms. Atreyis is a thunder cunt and better not have any assignments for class today.

Jimmy's POV:

"Oh god, not another lecture about our futures..." Ms. Atreyis drawls on and on. I already know I'm not going to succeed in my future career that's why I want to open a restaurant and go on tour with bands.

The bell finally rings and it's on to Mr. Jeffersons Class. My phone rings as I set my stuff down and I let Mr. Jefferson know it's important I haven't seen this number before.

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