Chapter 9: Fucked Up Dinner

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Jimmy's POV:

"Alright Max, now we put the mashed potatoes on top and let it bake for a couple hours."  I say as she lays her head on my shoulder.

"Wowsers that looks amazing we got 3 of them made in giant pans.  It does sort of suck you having to cook, I'd settle for some pizza or something."  Max says as she smiles a little.

"I know, it does suck but hey, I love cooking.  It keeps me going a bit plus Bill and Kylie are super chill.  I'm sure you and Chloe will like them.  Chloe and Luke already have a connection due to the fact they both smoke weed all the time." 

"So do you, but I'm glad you are trying to slow that down for me."  She looks at me.  "You are trying to slow down... aren't you?" 

I immediately change the subject.  "So these pies will need to be rotated every hour so we got to pay attention."

"James craig, don't change the subject.  I want an honest answer..... now."  She says poking my stomach with every word.  "I mean it."

"Yeah, Max I'm trying.  I really am, since I quit chewing I needed something else besides cigs and that was my something else.  I am trying to kick it."  A knock on the door and I sigh and say 'thank god' under my breath, I run to open the door as I know Max is glaring at me.  "This isn't over Jimmy."  I open the door and it's Luke. With Bill and Kylie.... and Richie?

"There is my favorite adopted son!" Kylie says as she pulls me into a hug, she's a very pretty young woman no older than 37, she has Bleach Blond hair, and a slight tan from working outside all day.  She's a lifeguard for the pool downtown.  She hugs me and her head doesn't even reach my chest, she let's go and smiles. 

"How you been bucko?" Bill says as he grabs my hand and wrings the life out of it.  He's a very muscular man, like my dad, but loads nicer.  He's got jet black hair and a perfect doctor smile.  He's a pediatrician at the doctors office downtown.  Luke pushes past us and plops on the couch.  Bill and Kylie walk in and sit next to him, as Kylie knocks his feet to the ground.  "Manners Luke, it's not your house." 

"May as well be, my broski from another hoski, this is is his which means it's my house also." 

"Watch your language young man, Natalie wouldn't want to hear you say that."  Kylie says.

"Hey Richie." I say as we do our secret handshake and end it with a head slam. 

"It's Koil man, and it's been too long my brother, I brought my drumset, I'll set it up out back while foods being made." 

Fuck yes dude, the whole band is together now.  Minus our bassist.

"I'll be right back.  I have some friends I want you guys to meet."  I head into the kitchen and see Max peering around the corner. 

"Jimmy, I'm so nervous, what if they don't like me?  What if I'm not good enough for them?"  She says hugging me.  "I'm so shy I don't know what to say."

"I'll introduce you, just follow my lead, okay babe?"  She smiles and grabs my hand as I lead her out. 

"Okay everyone, Luke you've already met her, but this is Max.  She's my lovely and beautiful girlfriend." 

"Don't forget crazy, to put up with you."  Luke adds, I glare at him but he starts laughing.

"Oh my goodness, you are so gorgeous.  I'm Kylie, and this is my husband Bill.  It's so good to meet you."  Kylie says hugging Max.

"Hi.... Kylie, it's nice to meet you too."  Max let's go awkwardly and hides behind me again. 

"Richie, say hi to Max, Max this is Richie... but he likes to be called Koil. For some god unknown reason." 

Torn Halfway Apart (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon