Chapter 7: Moving Time

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Jimmy's POV:

"Max, what do we have?"  I look at her as we are still dancing.  Some people have left already, Kate and Haley are talking by the bar, surprisingly I'm glad Kate didn't drink tonight.  But I brush a strand of hair behind Max's ear and I hear her sigh. 

"I honestly believe we are officially boyfriend/girlfriend.  I'm so happy to finally be able to say that.  Mom and Dad want to meet you so bad, they couldn't get work off to come see me graduate but as you said before.  We could always take a summer road trip and go see them."  She looks up and smiles at me. 

"Dude, I'd love that."  I say as she laughs.

"I'm your girlfriend you don't need to call me dude." She holds me a little tighter, I'm glad I decided to make us do this, she doesn't dance and neither do I, but here we are, dancing and bonding.

"Hey Jimbo, let's go on and head home.  It's getting late, man."  I realize how sober I am now and how tired Max is.  She's trying so hard not to fall asleep.  I smile and nod to Luke.  I lead Max to my car and sit her in thr passenger seat.  She's so tired she doesn't take a second before she's out.  I look at Luke and give him a thumbs up.  I lock the door and head back inside to get Chloe and Haley.  Chloe is still drunk as fuck but I can't blame her, not too long ago her mom kicked her out snd said me and Hale are the only ones she has now.  Which I feel bad for, if we are all you got, shits gotta be tough.  Haley looks at me and Kate laughs as Haley explains it's time to go.  It's about 2 am now and Luke offers to take Kate home, which she is okay with. 

"Don't worry, he's not that bad of a driver."  I say as I nudge his arm.  She hugs me and thanks me for throwing this party and says she will miss us.  I still have her number and she has mine now.  Haley leads chloe to my car and sits her in the back seat as Max is still asleep.  I get in and tell Luke I'll see him in a bit.  I pull out of the parking lot and drive silently.   None of us has anything to say as it is so quiet.  I pull into the parking lot of the apartment and nudge Max awake.  I help her inside and lay her in my bed.  I'm not gonna sleep tonight, too much to pack and too much to think about.  Haley and Chloe head to their room and close the door.  Mom wakes up as I sit in my chair and flip through channels. 

"Hey baby, how was the party?"  She asks with a smile on her face. 

"Good mom, I had a fantastic time.  Listen, there's some things I need to tell you....  and now while we are alone is as good a time as any."  I say as I turn the TV off.

"What is it Jimmy?"  She asks giving me that 'concerned mom' look.

"Dad's dead... He raped and kidnapped Haley.  He did things to her I couldn't even imagine.  And he almost killed me.  I had a crutch for the past 4 months.  Just today I was able to walk without it.  But John Carswell is dead and nobody will miss him."  Mom gasps and tears roll down her face. 

"My poor babies.  My poor innocent sweet babies.  I knew something was wrong.  I just knew it, you two aren't the same as the last time I saw you.  I know losing Rachel was hard for you but-"

"He killed Rachel, mom he killed Rachel and was about to put a bullet in my head.  Chloe was able to stop him from that but he shot my stomach instead.  As he was trying to run I shot him twice in the back of the head... he's gone forever now.  Won't be able to bother anyone else ever again."  I say as I light up a cigarette, I know Haley hates me smoking in here but I can't help it.  Luke walks in while she's still processing everything and notices why. 

"You tell her about asshole yet?"  He asks.

"He just did Lucas, You killed him? You killed your father?  Oh baby, I can't imagine how that must have felt."

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