Chapter 22: Eternal Rollercoaster

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Jimmy's POV:

"Dude, I'm so fucking high." I say as I blow out a cloud of smoke and laughed hard. "Dude fuck yes! The walls are moving. I'm so fucking gone." Chloe and Haley are busting up as we keep passing the bong around. I finally convinced Haley to smoke with us and she's trashed. Chloe takes her hit as she passes it back to me and just loses it.

"Holy shit dude, we are so hella baked. I can't wait to ride some rollercoasters. Jimmy, you okay to drive?" She looks at me and tries not cracking up.

"Yeah I'm good to go. Hale, you ready?" I look at my sister and fucking fall out of my chair. She's looking around amazed by everything.

"Holy shit, this is like amazing. Like, what if we got on one of the rollercoasters and it kept going, and going, and going, and going."

"She's ready to go." Me and Chloe fist bump. "Let's go guys, it's 10 am and it's time to go enjoy ourselves. The park opens in 40 minutes. Let's be first!" I stagger as I grab my hoodie and keys. "Let's go ladies!" Chloe jumps up and gets her shoes on and Haley tumbles off the bed laughing as she gets her shoes on and her hoodie. I slide down the stairs and run to my car and start it up. I put in a Rihanna CD and crank it. "Don't stop the music" plays as I start singing. Chloe gets in and Haley locks the front door as she heads to the car. When she closes it she bust out laughing.

"I love you two. The fucking Wonder Twins and I, The Blue haired beauty."

"The blue haired what? Beauty my ass." I say as she smacks me in the back of the head.

"Watch it, Carswell, I'll beat you." Chloe snickers. My high is wearing off but it's still there. I drive until we see the gates of Britozzie Plaza, Haley squeals.

"I FUCKING LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!" I look up and see the Gliding Harpy twisting and turning into the forest behind the park.  It's one of the largest rollercoasters in the world.  Also one of the fastest.  I see the motoXcross coaster right in front of that.  The Gliding Harpy is one of those rollercoasters where you get in standing up and click down the harness piece, and then put a belt on and then there's a standing lap bar that pulls up to lock your legs in.  It then proceeds to lift you up and lean you forward.  It takes off from 0 to 70 mph in 3 seconds.  It's a super fucking awesome thrill ride.  I hide this from Chloe until we get there. 

"This place is Hella badass!!!! Why the actual fuck have you two been keeping this a secret from me?"  Chloe turns and looks around at everything.  There's bumper cars, Liberties Launch, one of those drop zone type rides, then there's my favorite ride.  "Horror Zone Escape, LET'S DO IT!!"  I yell as I race towards it, I grab Haley and Chloes hands and run. 

"Jimmy, slow down.  What is this ride?"  Chloe asks.

"This is the ultimate horror movie experience, you have to escape 7 levels of horror.  Spiders, Chucky the doll, Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorheis, and Zombies.  Lots and lots of Zombies."  I say as I keep pulling Haley forgot the spiders, but she's not even paying attention. I'm dead when she remembers.

"Dude fuck yeah let's go!" Chloe pulls us instead and I laugh, I knew she'd like it. It's gonna be a fun day.

"Well well well, Jimbo Bobpants.  How's it going?"  I stop dead in my tracks as Chloe pulls and gets nothing.  Derek is walking up to me as we lock eyes. 

"Chloe, take Haley back to the car, I'll be there in a minute..." 

"Jimmy, is this Derek?  The asshole?"  Chloe let's go and gets in his face.  "You are the one who ruined his relationship with Carly?"  He raises his hand and smacks the shit out of her.  I pin him to the ground in less than a second.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I slam his head into the concrete and punch him once, making his nose bleed.  I push him back down as I get up.  I help Chloe up and make sure she's okay.  She's pissed, but nothing bad.  Haley is still in her own little world.  I turn around and Derek is running after me.  I duck and flip him over at the last second.  "CHLOE, DO AS I ASK, TAKE HALEY TO THE CAR."  Chloe grabs Haley's hand and next thing I know, I'm knocked out.

"Jimmy! Jimmy wake up, wake up! He's got Haley."  I snap awake it's at least 30 minutes later.  "JIMMY HE TOOK HALEY! HE SAID TO MEET HIM AT THE SPOT AND YOU TWO CAN FINISH THIS! WHAT'S HE MEAN?" 

"Chloe get to the car now.  I'll explain on the way." I feel the back of my head and feel a huge bump.  He knocked me out with his fucking pistol.  We dash to the car and I start it as I peel out of thr parking lot almost running people, and families over.  I don't care right now, I'm clearing at least 100 mph.  I lost Haley once I won't lose her again.  I'm coming Derek..... I'm coming and I'm gonna fucking kill you.

"Jimmy, what is going on?  What the fuck did Derek mean by you'll finish this?" 

"It means....... it means I'm gonna.... I'm gonna kill him.  We've had this feud forever, when Carly died, that was the final straw.  I told him I'd kill him and now that he's got Haley, I'm gonna follow through on that promise.  Get my knife out of the compartment there. 

Chloe hands me the knife and I tuck it into my hoodie pocket.  Dereks ass is gonna die, nobody is going to miss his fucking pathetic ass, it's time to end this.  No backing down now. 

"Derek, your time has come.  Time to fucking end this."

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