Chapter 3: Nine Kinds of Hell

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Jimmy's POV:

"I cant believe it, we are almost to graduation day, I've only been home a few months, and my last spill was on our birthday!!! I wish I could lose this crutch though.... I want to be normal again." I say as my mood goes from happy to sad.

"Shut up old man! You are 19 now and you are even more grown since that incident.  So what if you keep that crutch or a cane for the rest of your life? Fuck being normal, it's overrated. You, my good friend, are going to have the best graduation party ever."  Chloe says as she puts me in a headlock.

"Chloe, I'll make you need a fucking cane in a minute you blue haired wench."  She tightens her grip as I smack her shin with my crutch.  "I just want to be able to stand and play my guitar again.  Mom is gonna be so happy to see us next month.  It just sucks to say goodbye to Arcadia Bay." 

"Wait, you and Haley are.... leaving?  Why? Oh shit man, don't fucking leave, I'm begging you."  Chloe starts to have tears in her eyes.  "Why didn't Haley say anything?" 

"Probably to avoid this.  The waterworks.  I know it's gonna be sad but I put a down payment on a house there, it's going to be amazing."  Chloe hangs her head and starts walking away.  "Chloe, you are more than welcome to come with us.  I know how bad you want to get out of here.  It's up to you to decide what to do."  I say as I start hobbling away.  Chloe has been wanting to hangout with me a lot since we got back, she still stays in the apartment with me and Haley but she's been wanting to spend more time with me, I guess since she's going to be my sister in law she wants to get used to being around me more.  I smile slightly at the thought of being able to annoy her whenever I want.

"You really want me to go? I can really go?  Jimmy, are you sure?"  I nod and smile, "Haley already has plans made for you guys when we get there.  BUT! You have to be on your best behavior, got it? You remember Natalie, she is still sick so we have to be careful around her."  Chloe gives me the biggest hug ever and kisses my cheek. 

"You are the best brother in law ever!!"  I blush a little as she skips away to her truck and heads back to the apartment.  This is going to be a fun rest of the year and an even better new start for me.

I need to leave my past and my emotions here.  Nothing can hold me back, mom really needs us and she's only getting worse. 

I pull out my phone and call Haley.

"Hey, Haley be prepared for an excited Chloe when she gets home." 

"Jimmy you did NOT fucking tell her did you?  Please tell me you didn't tell her."

"I told her we were leaving, that's it."

"James Craig, if she is excited about us leaving than I am a fucking oompaloompa."

"Well you obviously already are with your short stature, but I told her she's free to come with us if she so chooses, I think we got our answer." 

"Jimmy.... I told you not to say anything.  I had a whole thing planned out for telling her.  I'm going to beat your ass when you get home.  Oh shit Chloe just pulled up, drive safe okay?" 

"Will do oompaloompa lady!"

"James Cr-"  I hung up.

"Now all that's left is to tell Max.... this is going to be difficult, she won't want me to leave and she also wouldn't want to leave Arcadia Bay again..."  I say to myself.  This is going to be tough. I walk over to my car and get in and sigh... Max is going to kill me.

I crank up the radio and it's Metallica.  I drive down the highway with my windows down.


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