Chapter 15: 'The Spot'

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"Babe, are we almost there?  It's been almost an hour."  Max complains waking up from her little nap.  I turn down the radio as Psychosocial by Slipknot plays and look at her and smile. 

"Almost Max, almost."  I start speeding a little.  Just 5 more minutes.  She's gonna love this.  "Max, did you bring your camera?" 

She reaches into her bag and pulls out the polaroid camera she always uses.  "Duh, why do you ask?" 

"Because you'll want a picture of this."  I weave around the trees on the long road and finally park on a cliff.  Max can't see but she will most definitely love this.  "Okay, we are here."  I open my door and get out.  I walk to Max's side and open her door.  "Before I let you get out, you need to cover your eyes."  She places both hands over her eyes as I help her out and walk her to the edge.  "Okay, open them." 

"Oh...... my....... god."  Tears fill her eyes and she hugs me tight.  "I love it!!!! It's so perfect Jimmy!"  Thr cliff we are on overlooks an entire forest, with a huge winding river weaving in and out of it.  The trees are so green and full of life.  I smile, seeing this place again brings back some amazing memories. 

"Max, this is 'the spot'  I told you that you'd enjoy it."  She hugs me tighter and let's go to kiss me. 

"I really love this."  She pulls away and grabs her camera.

"By the way, go check the trunk real quick.  Haley, Chloe and I chipped in and got you something."  She glares at me. 

"You did not get me a gift.  I know you didnt."  I walk away and open the trunk myself and pull out a brand new Nikon 9000 camera with glare resistant lense and different system settings.  I hold it behind my back and when I close the trunk Max is still staring at the forest.  I turn it on and take her picture.  She hears the snap and turns around stares at me with an open mouth. 

"You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that." 

"You. Did. Not.  Get me that..."

"You're completely right.  I didn't get you the camera.  I'm gifting it to you, there's a huge difference.  It gives plus 4 charisma and plus 10 snapshots." I say pretending to calculate a score card.

"You are such a fucking nerd, I love it."  I hand her the camera and hug her.

"I know you'll take good care of it.  Now let's put it to some use!"  I take the camera and hug Max and kiss her as I snap a picture of the sunset behind us covering the forest in a beautiful golden orange color.  She then smiles, which makes me smile and I wrap my arm around her and snap another picture. 

"I love you so much Jimmy....  I appreciate this so much."  She says looking at me.  I'm horrible with attention so I look away and blush. 

"You gotta thank Chloe and Haley too.... they helped as well."  I smile and sit down on the cliff.  My legs dangling over the edge and just stare at the sunset.  Max sits next to me and wraps her arm around mine. 

"This place is so beautiful....  how did you guys find this?" 

"After mom left dad, she brought me and Haley here all the time."  I look over and see the ground still indented from where Haley and I blew up a Coke bottle filled with air freshener and fire crackers.  "That spot there is where me and Haley would blow stuff up. It was our designated blow up spot.  And this was the spot mom always took us to.  Hence why we call it 'the spot'."  She laughs. 

"I can totally see you guys blowing things up.  I can even still see you guys blowing things up.  You and Haley.... you both have a strong bond.  Stronger than any siblings I've ever known."

Torn Halfway Apart (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora