Chapter 16: Happy Days

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Jimmy's POV:

"Almost home Max, don't worry the pizza will be there when we get there."  I promise.

"It better be, I'm starving.  I haven't eaten since last night.  I just had some water at that arcade place."  I smile and grab her hand. 

"Don't worry, we will get you taken care of babe." She smiles sweetly and squeezes my hand. 

I pull into the driveway as Chloe is sitting outside smoking.  "Hey losers!  Pizza isn't here yet, so.... how was that 'spot'?"  She raises an eyebrow and looks at both of us. 

"Holy shit Chloe!!! You'd love it! Here, we took some pictures!"  I get behind them and watch as Max shows Chloe our pictures.  One where my fingers in my nose with my arm around Max.  One where Max was taking a selfie but I did a creepy photo bomb right behind her head.  One where we are kissing.  One where I'm sitting on the edge smiling.  And then Max reaches the video. 

"Jimmy! I'm taking a video.  Anything you want to say?"  The recorded voice of Max says.

"Yeah, Chloe can kiss my ass, this is a great day! She owes me 20 bucks because she didn't think you'd enjoy whatever the spot is, but she didn't know what it was." 

"Uhh babe?  I'll show this to Chloe be nice." Max says.

I start sliding away as Chloe grabs me by my throat.  "Oh no you dont, it's not over."  I struggle to breathe as the video continues. 

"Fine, I want to wish my wonderful and beautiful sister and my new sister in law a very happy and wonderful wedding day.  Chloe, you know exactly what you signed up for so no complaining when I annoy the shit out of you.  But long story short, you two are fucking amazing and I love you both.  See you soon.  Good now that's over with, kiss my ass Chloe."  I say.

Chloes grip tightens around my throat.  "So.... kiss your ass? How about I kick your ass."  She let's go of me and hugs me.  "I love you too Jimmy, that was so sweet." I hug her back as Haley comes out. 

"Come on guys! Lord of the rings isn't going to watch itself."  I hug Haley, and hold her tight. 

"Jimmy, you told Max?  I'm proud of you." 

"Told Max what?"  Chloe asks.  I immediately let go of Haley and walk inside.  No word to anyone.  Haley calls after me. 


"I don't feel good."  I walk up to my room as Chloe looks down.

"What did I say? I didn't mean to get nosey." 

"It's his story to tell Chloe, he will tell you at some point."  Chloe gets a determined look on her face. 

"I'll just ask him."  Chloe starts walking after me. 

"That story will absolutely crush her Haley.... but she's more understanding about loss than we are.  She will be able to relate more."

"Jimmy?"  Chloe opens my door and walks in.  "I'm gonna ask you a question and I want an honest answer from you.  Who's Carly.. and why do you not want to talk about it."  She sits on the bed next to me and grabs my arm.  "Jimmy, if anyone will understand loss, it'll be me."

"Fine...."  I pull a can of dip out of my pocket and crack and pack a lip.

"Dude, I thought you quit that.  Max is gonna flip shit when she finds out.  You better only do it for addiction not recreational."

"Chloe, I'll explain who Carly is and why she means so much to me.  She was my first real love.  The first girl I ever dated and actually fell for.  Rachel was the second I fell for.  But that's not the story.  Carly Merina, beautiful girl, jade colored hair, always wore some sort of leggings.  Had a short dress on.  Electric Blue eyes brighter than a shooting star.  She was seriously everything to me Chloe..... but something happened and she lost her faith in the world, lost her faith in.... me."  I punch my pillow.  "She let her fucking brother talk her into killing herself and our son....  I walked into her living room and saw her hanging from the ceiling...  I FUCKING found her... and I called the police.  Derek fucking got arrested and condemned for assisted suicide.  I've never been able to love again without thinking the same will happen."  Chloe looks at me and hugs me. 

"Holy shit... I'm so sorry.  I feel like an ass making you talk....  but I do understand...  that's almost like Max leaving for Seattle for 5 years..."

"No chloe.... it's not.  You got to see Max again, I almost got to see her again before you stopped me.  I appreciate it Chloe but I don't care.  I love you guys, I really do but nobody will understand.. ever.  I lost a love and a son."  I turn from Chloe and get up and stare at myself in the mirror. 

"I lost Carly, and then I lost Rachel....  I was going to propose to her too....   I can't lose Max chloe... I just cant.  I may as well end it right here and now so I don't get crushed if she's taken from me too."

"James Craig Carswell, you know better than that.  Max fucking loves you dude.  She tells me all the time how much you mean to her.  I mean, she even comforted you during your break down and you are telling me you don't deserve it? Jimmy who would that hurt more.  You.... or Max?"  Chloe says bringing it to my attention.

"You know what?  Let's all go out and do something together tomorrow, all four of us.  Let's get piercings."  Chloe jumps up. 

"You are getting Snake Bites again.  I'll get my eyebrow pierced, let's go ask them!!!"  She grabs my hand and leads me down stairs. 

Max and Haley were sitting on thr couch watching Xmen.  "I thought you two would never come down.  What took you?  Pizza still isn't here."  Haley says looking at me. 

"Jimmy came up with the glorious idea of getting piercings." Chloe says patting my back. 

"I'm getting Snake Bites again, Chloes getting her eyebrow pierced and we want to know what you two are gonna do?"

"Chloe Elizabeth Price you are not getting your eyebrow pierced.  I forbid it." 

"Haley Nicole Carswell Price, I'll do what I damn well please."  Chloe says back to Haley,  they lock eyes and just have a stare down.  Max looks at me and smiles. 

"I think you'd look cute with Snake bites again.  I want an industrial bar!"  I look at Max with a wide eyed expression. 

"An industrial?  You mean through the top of the ear... right?"

"That's right." 

"Hella badass!!!! You will look amazing Max!"  I say as I look at her. 

"Hey, hella is my thing, you owe me a dollar everytime you use it."  Chloe says.

"Bite my shiny metal ass.  Let's watch some movies and eat some pizza, the truck just got here."  Chloe glares at me as I open the door and grab our pizzas.  "Star Wars here we come!!!" 

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