(CollegeAU) Ugh, Parties sucks pt.2

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This was because Bramblefire2 recommended a second part to this.

Chara quickly press the off button in her alarm clock and grabbed her heart locket, she walked out of her room and walked into the kitchen towards the fridge. Asriel raised his eyebrows up and flipped his pancakes, "What are you doing?" He asked suspiciously, Chara took out a bottle of water and placed it in her bag.

"Me and Frisk are going to the café for breakfast before going to the library to study." Asriel turned of the stove and farrows his eyebrow together, "even since Frisk dropped you off from the party days ago you two have been acting weird." Chara rolled her eyes as he slid his pancakes into his plate, "is there something going on that I don't know? I swear if you're dating this popular guy without my permission—" Chara stabbed a fork into his breakfast, "stop acting like Dad, I not even dating him!"

Asriel let out at 'tch' before crossing his arms, "not yet." Chara picked her phone and walked away, "I see you till 3." She yelled before closing the door behind her and walked out the apartments.

Frisk tapped on his steering wheel while waiting for Chara, he looked around the campus before stopping when his car door opened. "Well look who just got in my car." Chara giggled before softly punching his shoulder, "hurry up, I'm hungry!" Frisk chuckled and turned in his car before carefully driving back and began driving forwards once getting out of the parking lot.

"Anything you recommend?" Frisk asked looking around, Chara tapped her chin, "any cafés you know that are good?" Frisk nodded,"This place that I work at, they serve the best chocolate... muffins." Frisk said as he started drooling a bit, Chara giggled and nudged his arm, "hey, I don't want to drown in your car." Frisk quickly wipes his drool away and giggled embarrassed,

"Sorry, it's just I really love chocolate." Chara shook her head, "don't worry I love chocolate to, now you mention you work at this place?" Frisk turned his signal light on and stopped at the red light. Frisk pointed to a café on Chara's right, "Yeah this is my first job here since the beginning of my junior year, miss muffet was nice enough to let me work here." Chara's head perked up, "miss muffet?" Frisk hummed as he took the turn and parked next the the building,"She's my boss, she a really nice lady once you get to know her."

"I know her, she use to have a shop where I use to live before she moved away to expand her business." Frisk smiled and got out the car, he grabbed her hand and walked inside and greeted his friends behind the counter. Frisk stood up to the counter and waited in Chara to be next to him, a man walked up to the desk and smiled sweetly at Chara.

"Welcome to muffet's what can I get you..." he looked up Chara's body before smirking, "beautiful young lady." Frisk frowns and gritted his teeth at the man, "This must be the rookie." He thought, Frisk cleared his throat before giving him a death smile.

"Hello, I would like a two chocolate muffins with a side of a mocha." The man looked over and raised an eyebrow, he looked over the Chara and ignored Frisk. "What would you like?" Frisk lost the death smile and grabbed his shirt, "Listen here bud, I don't appreciate being ignored." There was a brief silence before a throat cleared itself and Frisk turned around, "is there a problem here, dearie~?"

Chara smirked as the guy behind the counter smiled, if only he knew what was coming next. Frisk let go of the guys and fix his shirt, "Why of course miss muffet, you see rookie over here was ignoring me and instead he was flirting with my," Frisk wrapped an arms around Chara and smirked at the guy, "Girlfriend, And you know what our rules is about our customers." Chara grew flustered on what she was called, muffet looked over with her five eyes and smiled 'sweetly' at the rookie.

"Of course,Frisk dearie~ since you work here longer you know my policy very well~" the rookie gulped as he realized his mistakes, "please have your order as my apologies~" Frisk smiled, "Thank you very much!" He gleamed before grabbing Chara's hand and walked over to a table.

"Sorry for calling you my girlfriend, I just had to make an excuse because we're not allow to flirt with customers." Chara smirked, "I wonder why." Frisk glared at her, "That was just a phase!"

"Frisk, shush I'm trying to read." Frisk stared at her for a while before taking another sip from his cup but making his sipping loud on purpose, she glared at him and let out a deep sigh, "what do you want?" Frisk smiled when he was noticed and place his cup down.

"I don't kindly take being ignore." Chara shook her head, "I can tell by your act this morning." Frisk placed his hands on his cheek, "I'm glad you noticed that I need attention." She have a small smile and put her book up to cover her face.

"Hey! Your smiling! I can see that!" Frisk tried to move the book but Chara moved out of the way and giggled, he huffed and grabbed the top of the book and pulled it down. Chara giggled and turned around then stopped smiling.

She could feel his warm breath brushing against her lips, Chara couldn't help but stare into his chocolate eyes and help being trapped inside them. She leaned into his hand as he cupped her cheeks and leaned in to find herself locking lips with his, Chara wrapped her arms around his neck and gently ruffled his hair as Frisk wrapped his arms around her waist.

The moment was cut off when a soft tapping was heard and the librarian giving them both a stern glare, "either read a book or take your romance outside." They scoffed before walking off with a pile of books in their hands.

Chara picked up her book and glanced at Frisk with a embarrassed smile, Frisk returned it and looked down on his papers.

Oh, what a story to tell Asriel what happened today...

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