Chapter 24

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I run after her. Knowing I'm probably the last person she wants to see. She's right though this is my fault. If I never rejected her. I would have never keep Mitchy around. She would never went rouge. Mitchy would have never gone insane. Well I think she's insane anyway. Mitchy wouldn't have rejected Dakota for me. Mitchy wouldn't trying to kill her. I would have never hurt Dakota. Fuck I've screwed everyone up.

I follow my fast little mate all over the woods I think and land up where her scent is the strongest. I shift back find some clothes that's stashed around but my shirt is gone. I sit in the grass and wait for her. I know she doesn't want to see me but I need to make sure she's okay.

"Any luck?" Blake says from behind me. I shake my head no.

"No but her scent is stronger here though."

"You alright?" he ask sitting beside me.

"I'm fine just worried about Ari." he nods.

"She'll be okay." I nod. We are quiet for a few minutes lost in our own thoughts.

"She's right you know." I admit.


"This being my fault."

"No she's not."

"Yeah she is."

"How so?"

"If I would have never of rejected her, she would have never gone rouge. If I didn't keep Mitchy around she would have never of gone off the deep end, she would never of have rejected Dakota. I've hurt Ari and Dakota."

"Naw Mitchy is not your fault. That little girl is power hungry. If you think about it Dec she never once said she loved you. Her only talk was being your mate and alpha female. Being your mate leads to being alpha female that's all she wanted. Dakota just got stuck in the cross fire. You didn't hurt him Mitchy did."

"How is she anyway?"

"Well not good. Anna almost killed her." I'm surprised she didn't. The way she was swing her around making her bounce off walls. Beaten the shit out of her. Mitchy was looking like bad being tossed around like I rag doll. She looked like she had no bones supporting her body. She was black and blue and swollen. Nobody was stupid enough to stop it. I know not smart on our part but if you saw Ari you wouldn't of stepped in either.

I think the only thing that saved Mitchy was when she went thru the bay window. The glass breaking snapped Ari out of her kill. When she came to Mitchy was gone. Well not gone outside the window but Ari didn't know that and that was probably a good thing. "She'll live. Nobody knows what to do with her. Your dad what's to ban her but dad says no."

"Why the hell not?!" I say with anger.

"Dakota." I nod sighing. "She's still his mate rejected or not. Dad wants to talk to Anna first before any decision are made."

"What do you think Ari will do?" I ask tilting my head to side to look at him.

"I don't know." he sighs. "What about you?"

"She will do anything to make you guys happy. So I'm not sure. On one hand she'll want to kill her or ban her on the other she'll want to make Dakota happy. She's got a tough decision to make."

"What would you do?" I snort at that.

"I'd kill her. Sorry but she tried to kill Ari. I know it'll hurt Dakota but I just can't..." I couldn't finish. I sigh. "I don't know now. If Dakota wasn't involved I'd have her killed. No questions asked. But...ugh!"

"That's why I don't want to be alpha." he laughs.

"You suck." I joke.

"Yeah c cups."

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