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        Sometimes, Dean wished he could smoke. He wished he could drag in as much of the killing substance as he could and then blow it out as a sign of victory. The fight against the smoke. He wished he could stop feeling so numb by holding a killer stick in his hands and getting addicted to the nicotine. He wished he'd have the chance to die more early because of smoking.

        Sadly, his vocal chords protested.

       He had actually tried it once in his last school before the kids found out. They had offered him a drag, and well, he was curious if it would be just like they said. It had resulted in a panic attack because inhaling smoke reminded him too much of that night and it caused even more damage to his vocal chords. He had to stay home the rest of the day and drink a shitload of water to make a nasty cough go away.

        God damn it, his life sucked.

        "Hey, Dean!"

        Dean shook his head and stopped watching the group that was smoking. It had been the jock group, which Dean thought was stupid since most of them were football players. He hadn't noticed that Castiel had joined the group, immediately looking away when their eyes met. Nope, he was definitely avoiding that boy. Instead, he turned to the hyperactive Asian boy had called him and now stood next to him.

        "Please don't tell me that you're stalking those dickheads, or worse, their awful smoking habits," Kevin rambled, following his gaze. To avoid more awkwardness, Dean started walking, shaking his head.

        It had been a few weeks at his new school, and it had been alright so far. Charlie, Jo, Ash, and Kevin were nice to him, and although he wouldn't call them friends - Charlie called them besties which Dean thought was irrelevant - they were company and company was good.

        Castiel, that had been another story. Since his flashback in the boy's presence, he felt too awkward to even look at him. He was the son of some weird - but nice - therapist which means that he knew Dean was troubled. What if he got a look at his file and knew about his backstory? No, Dean couldn't risk getting exposed so soon.

        "So, Charles said there's a new movie in the theatre, and since her cousin works there she can get discount on tickets. She already asked us to go, but she really wants you to come as well. I just thought I'd give you heads up before you get overwhelmed," Kevin ranted. The bell rung as he spoke, which caused the hallway to fill with students. Luckily, they were close to their destination, which saved Dean lots of trouble concerning big crowds.

What movie?

        Dean had taken his seat next to Kevin and grabbed his books, writing the words down in his notebook. Kevin grinned, probably thinking he was already convinced to go. Dean thought that it was kind of amusing since he didn't have any interests in going out yet.

        "The second Kingsman. Charlie says it's full of comedy and action but we all know that she wants to go because she thinks Roxy is hot and there's another new female character involved." Dean nodded thoughtfully, then shrugged. He wasn't really one for movies, especially in theatres because that was way too expensive and he knew that they couldn't afford that luxury. Besides, he hadn't watched the first one. And who was Roxy?

        Dean was caught off guard when the door slammed closed. He was immediately aware that it was the jocks trying to get attention. Normally, he tried to ignore their actions because somehow, Castiel was always looking at him when such things happened. Again, this time, Dean felt uncomfortable under the boy's stare. He had quickly looked down and his eyes never went back to Castiel's seat by the window.

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