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       It was the same dream again. Dean was back at their old house, smelling burned wood and breathing in smoke. He was wandering around the house cluelessly, desperately trying to find his mother. He reached the stairs, coughing because of the amount of smoke he had consumed. The same stair caused him to collapse.

        It burned.

        Everything burned.

        Although he knew that it would be a firefighter that would rescue him and safe his life, in his dream state he didn't have the control to tell himself that. Or at least, it didn't help.

        However, something was different this time. There was no hand like there always had been, no scream that had become so familiar that the silence was deafening.

        "Mom?" He called out. He had always heard his voice from when he was younger in his dreams. This time, however, since he had managed to speak out loud, it was like his consciousness reminded him that his voice had dropped at least what felt like an octave. The low sound startled him.

        He climbed back up the stairs, tears streaming down his face and amazingly, he reached the top. That had never happened before. Breathing and coughing repeatedly, he ran towards the door where the firefighters had once said the fire had begun. When he entered, the door behind him closed. The third weird thing, was that there were three figures standing in the fire, unphased by the flames that surrounded them. His mom didn't surprise him all that much, but Sam and Castiel, he hadn't expected at all.

        "Mom? Cas? Sam?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice as well as his face. "What's going on?"

        "My beautiful boy, you've grown so much," his mother spoke. It was just as he remembered, soft and so full of love. He blinked, shaking his head.

        "You were never there to see it, you were never there to see any of it. It hurts so much, mom, that you're not here," he said, his voice uneven as he spoke. Mary smiled sadly.

        "Oh, Dean, I have seen it. You just didn't know I was there," she smiled.

        "Why are you even here?" Dean asked, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. It was a bad idea, since his hands were covered in ashes, but he ignored the increased stinging in his eyes. "Why are all of you here? I don't need to be reminded of the failure I am."

        "You've got it all wrong, De. We're not here because you're a failure, we're here because you need us. You love us," Sam said. Dean froze. What?

        "Even though you might not want to believe it, deep down you know it's true," Castiel said. Dean shook his head quickly. He backed off slowly as the words echoed through the room. He looked at his feet carefully before looking back up and noticing that his mother was now in flames. He tried to scream, but his voice seemed to have given up. He watched as she burned, Castiel and Sam watching sadly. That's when the house collapsed and everything went black.

         Dean gasped for air, coughing violently. At first, he didn't know where he was, which freaked him out even more, but then he noticed the red numbers that portrayed the time. It said 03:24. That's when he remembered that he was in his room. He cried soundlessly into his pillow, the choking not exactly improving his situation.

        He couldn't go to his dad or Sammy, he just couldn't. He didn't want to bother them. He was freaking out more than ever and he needed to just hear someone. There was only one other person that he could think of to call, which is what he did. Of course, he couldn't exactly call, and it was in the middle of the night, so the chances were small, but he tried nonetheless.

Burned - DestielWhere stories live. Discover now